Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – All Life is for God’s Glory
- A son born to Abraham and Sarah in their old age
- Joseph in bonds and freed to save his own people
- Noah and his family saved on the ark
- Moses and the great miracles God performed for His people the Israelites
- Joshua and the many battles God took them through while leading them to the promised land
- The love story of Ruth
- David and Goliath
- Esther and the salvation of her people
- Job’s afflictions and God’s mercy through it all
- David and the many Psalms He wrote in praise to God
- The wisdom of Solomon who was made the wisest man on the earth because of his prayer request
- God’s Word always being performed at the mouth of His prophets
- The prophecy of the virgin birth
- Jesus, God in flesh, the only one who could die for the sins of the whole world!
- The many many miracles of Jesus and the fact that His disciples were given the power to perform miracles
- The Word of God itself that teaches practical and moral living that anyone can apply on a daily basis and the power of God given to each individual Christian in order to live according to His will.
- The book of Revelation which reveals the fact that Jesus is coming soon, has prepared a place for His own and will ultimately cast the devil and his angels into the lake of fire.
God only deserves the glory
Teach your grandchildren that now is the day of Salvation.
2 Corinthians 6:2 . . . behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
Teach them to give glory to God now – give Him praise, honor, and worship daily. Teach that that whatever they do, they should give glory to God.
Did you get it? Whatsoever – what would that include: everyday activities, choice of friends, reading material, music we listen to, events we attend, even what we eat or drink!
Our actions need to show it. Our lifestyle needs to show it! Talk is cheap, but our actions show whether or not our words our true.
In the book “A Chance to Die“, (a good book to read, by the way) by Eisabeth Elliot, (Affiliate Link) Amy Carmichael’s “great longing was to have a “single eye” for the glory of God. Whatever might blur the vision God had give her of His work, whatever could distract or deceive or tempt other to seek anything but the Lord Jesus Himself she tried to eliminate.”
Having a “single eye” for the glory of God is a goal of mine. I want my children/grandchildren see me glorify God.
I want them to hear me say “Praise the Lord” in sincerity.
I want to tell them, only God could have done that, God answered our prayers, God is so great, etc.
I want them to see that God is glorified, praised, honored worshiped in all that I do.
I want them to see me glorify Him in trials, afflictions, and daily difficulties that I face.
I don’t want them to hear complaining and murmuring and criticizing and if/when they do I want to confess it as sin immediately.
They will learn by our example and they will know if we are for real. When it is time for the Lord to take us home, are they going to know that your ultimate desire was that God only be glorified? If not, ask God to give you the strength to begin today to give Him the glory in all. He has a purpose in all and if we are willing to glorify Him then we will find that we can be used for His glory.