Instilling Biblical Truths into My Grandchildren – We Need Not Fret in this Evil Day
Fret Not God’s Word tells us! Fret not because of evil doers! Don’t let the work of those who do evil get you upset or frazzled or angry.
Election Day is upon us and I find myself often “fretting” over this day. America is in a sad state right now, but fretting does not do any good. Instead I am to wait on the Lord. God knows what is going on. He will take care of the evil doers in His time.
I need to instill the truth into my grandchildren that this world is not our home and God will one day take care of evil once and for all. We do not need to fret and worry about the evil and corruptness that surrounds us. God sets up who He wants in power and brings down who He pleases.
That does not mean that I am not praying for God to deliver us from evil. For He tells us to do that too, but I can rest in the fact that He is in control.
That does not mean that I am not praying for a miracle regarding my country. It does not mean that I am not praying that God’s people will humble themselves and pray and repent and turn from their wicked ways (we seem to leave this part out often). I am and God can send a revival and heal our land.
It does mean that I must and can be still and let Him be God. I can rest assured that He knows all our needs and will do what is best for His children. He is still on the throne and one day we will reign with Him.
Wicked rulers were saved in God’s Word and God has not changed. It is our duty to pray for our nation and its leaders and leave them in God’s hands. Our anger, our fretting may only lead us to do evil in return. God is the avenger. He will take care of the evil man.
Psalms 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
By God’s grace I do not want to fret over the wickedness that abounds, but rather give thanks, repent, pray, and look for the day when we shall meet Him in the air.
Praise the Lord, this world is not my home. Do you know where your eternal home will be? You can for the gift of eternal life is offered freely to all.
Biblical Truths to teach your grandchildren.