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Lessons From the Wise Men - Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren

Lessons From the Wise Men – Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren

Christmas is never over for God’s children!  I love to read Christmas events from the Word of God in the month of December.  As I was reading in Matthew 2 about the wise men, the Lord brought many applications to my mind and heart.  These are some things that I learned from the wise men.

Lessons From the Wise Men - Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren


Lessons from the Wise Men

1. Jesus is for all people, rich and poor alike.   Most likely these wise men were wealthy, but guess what?  They still knew that they needed Jesus. Wealth will not get a person into heaven, but Jesus will.  

2. The wise men traveled a very long way to find the King of kings. I wonder what lengths I would go to in order to worship Jesus. 

3. The wise men were seeking Jesus.  One who is truly seeking Jesus will find Him.  God will lead him there.  

Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

4. The wisemen caused quite a ruckus in their search for Jesus. There were probably more than three wise men, for only three would not have caused such a ruckus.  There could have been 300 or more.  The enemy is always after us when we want more of Jesus, just as Herod sought to destroy Him through his deceitfulness.

5. The wise men rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  When they had seen the star again, it brought great rejoicing! What exceeding great joy there is in knowing the Savior and what peace and joy comes when we find the Savior.

6. The wise men were rich and bestowed costly gifts upon Jesus.  Jesus owns all things;  You may have heard the little chorus based on Psalm 50:10-11 written by John W. Peterson.  ” He owns the cattle on a thousand hills , the wealth in every mine.  He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills, the sun and stars that shine.  Wonderful riches more than tongue can tell,  He is my Savior so they’re mine as well! ”   Yes, when He is your Savior, you are rich in Him.  In reality, it is He who presents us with rich gifts.

Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

Ephesians 1:18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

Ephesians 2:7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. 

Ephesians 3:8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;

7. The wise men did not worship Mary.  If ever there was a time that Mary could have been worshiped, this was it. They knew that Jesus only is the one to be worshiped. (Here are some good lessons from the life of Mary)

8. The wise men presented their treasures.  We may not have costly gifts, but we do have time, talent, and other treasures.  How important to present them all to Christ!  Let Him have possession and show us how we ought to use them for His glory.

9. The wise men were directed a different route in order to escape evil.  They were obedient.  They knew the Lord and His voice and were able to trust and obey.  Once we find Jesus and worship Him as Lord in our life, He will direct our steps.  He will deliver us from evil.

Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

10. Evil will persist until Christ returns.  It will cause suffering and heartache, yet will never conquer.  In the end victory belongs to the Lord. Death will be swallowed up in Victory.  1 Cor. 15:50-58  

You can be a wise man every day. What a great truth to teach our grandchildren!  The Christmas quote says, Wise Men still seek Him.  Teach your grandchildren to seek God every day through His Word and prayer and they will become yet wiser for true wisdom comes from above.  

Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: Proverbs 8:34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.

I have posted a series on Biblical Truths to teach your grandchildren. You can find the series Here.


Need Encouragement from God’s Word?  1 Samuel 30:6

. . . but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.


This is a great post, Ellen. First time here but I found you over at Kelly’s place. I love the points and gold you have pulled from the wise men. Priceless stuff here!


    Thanks for stopping by, Meghan. I love how God’s Word is so practical for every day living. It never grows old.


I stumbled aross your article while looking for actions to teach the children in my class about what a wiseman does/looks like as they sing christmas songs ‘wise men from the East’ and I really liked reading ‘lessons from the wise men’

Thank you and God continue to bless you and bless our children in Jesus name amen


    Glad it was a blessing and useful to you. May the children in your class become wise by fearing the Lord.

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