Only God Knows the Number of Our Days
Below is a testimony from a friend of mine. She recently lost her husband and I asked her if she would be willing to let me share part of her testimony. She posts regularly on facebook and shares her heart. She is always an encouragement to the hearts of others. Even though her heart is greatly aching right now, she finds comfort and strength in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is her desire along with my own, that souls will come to the Lord Jesus and receive the gift of eternal life. Here is her testimony:
I dreamed last night that Woody was here with me…I was so happy to see and be with him again. We talked of things I wish had not been left unsaid. Only when I woke up, did I realize it wasn’t real. I’ve never dreamed like that before…in a way, it still seems real and I’m wide awake.
It has now been fourteen weeks today that I woke to hear his last quiet gasps of air escaping from his body…an unforgettable sound. Memories, at times, can hit me like a rolling wave along with strong feelings of disbelief that he is gone. But, unfortunately, he is gone from this life and I have started this new journey of life on my own. Missing him…
A holy God, in his mercy, provided only one way to heaven. Each person must at some time make the decision to turn away, or repent, of their sins and ask Jesus to save them. That requires first recognizing that faced with a Holy God, ones “righteousness” is as filthy rags. We can never be good enough on our own to “earn” heaven. Woody and I were each born again believers and that is why we know we will see each other again…one of the many wonderful promises of God. Despite our individual failings or sins which earned us a place in hell, we asked for and received a most precious gift from a loving Lord. If you do not know this in your life, will you please ask for forgiveness from God and ask Jesus into your heart today? I want to know that we will see you in heaven with us. Praise the Lord for all his promises! Last September, there were two men that met – one was Woody, her husband and the other, her daughter’s Pastor. The Pastor was thought to be in good health and had reason to believe he would serve our Lord for several years more. Woody knew his days were numbered because of his health issues. Now they have both passed into their eternal inheritance. God knows the number of our days…do not delay making a decision to accept His gift of eternal life!!This post comes from a heart that desires God’s best for you.