Prayer – 15 Prayer Prompts for Tuesday
Prayer Time for Tuesday
Spending time with prayer each day is something I told the Lord I would do. Sometimes, I find my self not keeping my word and I do not spend time in prayer as I should. I am glad that He never breaks His Word to me. I’m glad that He will never leave me nor forsake me although I have often veered off the pathway He has chosen for me. But I can come to Him any time and any place in prayer; I can come boldly before His throne and confess my waywardness and bring my requests to Him. Prayer really does make a difference.
A full measure of the Word and prayer each day gives a healthy and powerful life ~Andrew Murray
Prompts for Tuesday
- Time
- Ask the Lord to help you and yours redeem the time and use it wisely
- Talent
- Do you have talents you are hiding under a bushel? Ask for wisdom, direction, ability, and courage in using your talents and well as for your children and grandchildren
- Treasure
- Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also – Pray that you treasure the correct things, things that last for eternity
- Teachers
- Pray that you will be a godly teacher as well as having the right teachers come into your life
- Truth
- Pray for opportunities to speak the truth in love
- Tasks
- Pray for guidance in completing the tasks that are before you, Pray for wisdom and skill and knowledge in doing them
- Total Surrender
- We need to pray daily that we will be totally surrender to the Lord
- Tender Hearted
- Are you tender hearted? I am not always as I should be. But Jesus thought this was important. Pray for a tender heart to the things of the Lord. Be tender hearted and forgiving as Christ forgave us.
- Temptation
- God is faithful to make a way of escape. Pray He will make those ways clear. Sometimes the way is just to trust and obey.
- Testimony
- Pray that you will keep a good testimony before others. Do they see Christ in our lives? Do they know we have been with the Lord? Will our life help win someone to Christ?
- Tidy
- Pray for wisdom in keeping a tidy heart as well as a tidy home. We are clean through God’s Word. We need to hide it in our hearts so we won’t sin against Him. He can also give us the time, skill, and knowledge as to how to keep a clean tidy home.
- Toiling
- As you are toiling each day, ask God for strength and protection.
- Tough
- Are times tough? Are you going through trials? God promises comfort and strength. Pray that you will keep yourself encouraged through the Word of God. When David was down, he encouraged himself in the Lord. He can get you through those tough times.
- Tickler
- How’s your tickler? God wants us to have a sense of humor and be joyous. Pray for a merry heart – it does good like a medicine.
- Tongue
- Here is something to pray about every day. May we keep our tongues from evil. May our words be acceptable in the sight of the Lord.
I have gathered prayer prompts for each day of the week. You can find them here:
Please feel free to use these to help you in your prayer life. I often refer to these prompts for my own prayer life, but I don’t think our prayers should necessarily be a certain pattern where we unfold our neat little lists and one by one ask God for what is on the list. There may be times that God leads us to pray like this, but most of all we should have our hearts in tune with God so that whatever He lays on our hearts we can bring those requests to Him with thanksgiving knowing that He will answer in the way that is best for us. What a great and merciful God we serve!
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