Six Powerful Ways To Pray For Your Children And Grandchildren
As a Grandparent, I am even more aware of how much I need to pray for my children and grandchildren. In today’s world, they face so much and the enemy is out to destroy every one of them. I don’t want that to happen! I want each and every one of them to spend eternity with me in Heaven. Prayer is the one of the main keys. In Philippians 1:9-11 there are six powerful ways that we can pray for our children and grandchildren.
Pray and pray more every day!
1. Pray that their love will abound more and more in knowledge. Pray they will love God more and more as they get to know him and that they will have discernment between right and wrong.
2. Pray they will approve things that are excellent. I don’t want my children or grandchildren to be just good people but I would like them to discern what is more excellent (are the best the best of the good so to speak). I don’t want them to live carnal lives. I also need to ask the Lord to change me so that I will be a godly example.
3. Pray they will be sincere, in other words, real and not hypocritical.
4. Pray they will be without offense, that is that they won’t stumble in their walk with the Lord so as to offend others. Pray for them to escape temptations; the Lord has promised that he would make a way for them to escape always! (1 Cor. 10:13) Pray that they will rise up when they fall (Pr. 24:16) and that they will confess their sins to God and to others when necessary.
5. Pray they will do all the above consistently, daily and take a stand for The Truth until Christ returns.
6. Pray that they will continually be filled with the fruits of righteousness. In Galatians 5:22-23, we see the main fruits of righteousness: love, joy peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; pray that they will live holy lives before the Lord and before others.
What wonderful things to pray for our children and grandchildren for others and even for ourselves!
Remember, we can come to God anytime, boldly, before the throne of grace, asking, seeking, knocking, calling on Him to show us great and mighty things which we know not. There is never an unseasonable time to go to Him. Prayer does make a difference.
Go Here To Receive a free printable bookmark that you can keep in your Bible as a reminder to pray for them every day. The bookmark has a list of daily things that you can pray over your children and grandchildren every day.