Top Household Items For Grandma and anyone else too.

Top Household Items For Grandma

Listed below are the top household items and products that this Mom and Grandma loves.  In face they are very practical products that anyone could use.  They make life easier for me and often lighten my load when cooking, cleaning, or doing other household chores.  So take a look at these household items and see what you think.  You may just find something that you want to add to your list.

Top Household Items For Grandma and anyone else too.

1.  Vitamix – Oh how I love my Vitamix!

I do not think there is a single day that goes by without this appliance being used in my kitchen.  It can be used for many recipes.  In my house the main thing it gets used for is Smoothies and since I pretty much stick to the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating, then I make lots of smoothies.  This tool grinds up ice better than any other blender I have used.  It also grinds dry ingredients like coffee beans, peanuts, almonds, and more.  So if you want a nice smooth, thick, creamy Smoothie, you will be sure to want to save up for this great appliance.

2.  Bissell Featherweight Sweeper

Now here is another little handy tool that I have come to love! And it is not too expensive!   It was given to me as a gift, but I have since recommended it to others.  It is great to grab and clean up your wood floors.  My grandkids love it too; it is easy for them to use when they are helping grandma.

3.  Fan Duster as a Shower Cleaner

Now that may sound kind of strange, but I came up with this idea a few years ago when bending over got a little more difficult for me.  It has worked great.  It is round and on a long stick and has softer bristles so it doesn’t scratch.  I can stand up and scrub my shower and it make life a little bit easier for me.  Of course, you can use it for what it was intended for too.

4.  Single Serve Coffee Maker

Coffee Lover Here!  Anyone else?  The problem is, I am the only coffee drinker in my household unless I have company (I keep a larger pot stored away just in case).  But since most of the time I am a lone drinker, I just love this one cup maker.  It works great for that cup of coffee that I need in the morning to get my day started.  And sometimes I will take that coffee and put it in my vitamix to make me a drink better than Starbucks!

5.  Favorite Cleaning Items

We all have our favorites; the ones that help us the most or just help to make life easier.  I love microfiber rags,  Lysol wipes,  Tide Detergent and Dawn Dish Washing Liquid to name a few.  The microfiber rags are great for dusting or for wiping up floors, thy Lysol wipes do well for quick clean ups or sprucing up the bathroom, Tide cleans my clothes better than any and Dawn dishsoap is great for an all purpose cleaner as well as dish soap.  And a really great product is my Rubbermaid spray mop;  you can mop your wood floors in a jiffy with it.  With all these products you will have a spifffed up house in no time.

So there you have it – just some household products to help make life easier for grandma.  Check “em out – you may find something you want or need.  Or maybe you know a great one that I could add to my list.  Let me know if you do.  I’m always looking for something else to help make life easier or for something new and different to try.

Hop over here and you will find the best thing ever to have in life.