10 Fun Fall Activities To Do With Your Grandchildren
It’s fall break time! Are you looking for some fun fall activities to do with your children and/or grandchildren? Here are some activities that the whole family can enjoy.
Great Ideas for Fall Break
1. Beach Trip – I put this at the top, because that is our usual, but this year things changed a little due to the hurricane last year. Fall is a really nice time to visit the coast. It’s quieter and many times you can find a vacation home at a lesser price.
2. Mountain Trip – We love the mountains in the fall too. We especially like it because we live at the foothills of the Smokies and Blue Ridge and can take day trips.
3. Decorate your home for fall and Thanksgiving.
4. Go to a pumpkin patch or an apple orchard.
5. Go to the local park just to play and if you’re lucky enough as we are, they can ride a carousel or train.
6. Go to a Corn maze.
7. Read a brand new book, together.
8. Collect leaves and make a fall picture.
9. Take a fall hike and do a bingo scavenger hunt along the way. You can find many scavenger hunts by doing a google or pinterest search. Many of them have free printables.
10. Go for a drive in the country, take a picnic lunch, and on return, if you have the right place for it, have a bonfire and roast marshmallows. If that won’t work, sit together in your living room and eat popcorn and/or apples and let Grandma or Grandpa tell a story. My grandkids love this!
Breaks are great and we all need them, but there is one thing we from which we never need a break. I’m sure you guessed it…
Sharing the gospel with others is one of the best activities you can do. Print off these little Salvation Cards to share with your children or grandchildren (or make your own). They have a gospel message on the back and envelope to store them in. Let your grandkids pass them out while you are out and about with one of them.
What are your favorite things to do in the fall?