20 Tips To Keep From Getting Bored


Are You Bored?

Do you get bored throughout your day?  Here are 20 tips (not in any special order) to steer you away from boredom?  Do you have any more?  Leave a comment with your tip.


20 tips to keep you from getting bored2

  1. Exercise
  2. Memorize Scripture
  3. Look at calendar and make preparations
  4. Give yourself a manicure or pedicure
  5. Write a list of your blessings.
  6. Walk around your house critically, adjust, rearrange, throw out, give away.
  7. Cook ahead for the freezer
  8. Cream yourself all over.
  9. Read part of an important book.
  10. Clean out a cabinet or drawer.
  11. Write a letter, e-mail, or card or give someone a call.
  12. Weed your garden
  13. Work on your recipe file
  14. Organize your pictures
  15. Take a walk
  16. Spend time in prayer
  17. Work on a project
  18. Work on web page
  19. Work on music lessons
  20. Organize a section or room in house