22 Blessings from Trusting God According to Proverbs 3
Blessings from the Lord is something that probably everyone would desire? Don’t we all love to be blessed? What a wonderful thing to know that the blessing of the Lord is upon you! The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich (Proverbs 10:22)
While reading Proverbs 3, there were 22 blessings stood out that every Christian can obtain from the Lord.
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Blessings from Trusting God
1. Length of days/long life v2
2. Peace v2
3. Favor v4
4. Good understanding
5. Directed paths/guidance v6
6. Good health/refreshed body v8
7. Plenty in material goods v10
8. Loving correction v12
9. Joy/happiness v13
10. Long life full of riches and honor v14-16
11. Pleasant/delightful ways v17
12. Peaceful paths v17
13. Happiness/blessing like a tree of life v18
14. Life to your soul/grace to your neck (like an ornament) v19-22
15. Safe walk/ no stumbling – protection/guidance v23
16. Free from fear – Sweet Sleep even in the midst of danger v24
17. Confidence v25-26
18. Ability to put wisdom in action through God’s power v27-31
19. An intimate friendship with the Lord v32
20. Blessings on your household v33
21. Grace and favor v34
22. Eternal inheritance – heaven/glory v35
God is good! He is good all the time and oh how blessed we are when we are willing to trust and obey Him fully! Proverbs 2:5-6 are favorite verses that we hear quoted by many, but how many of us really realize how He will bless us when we do just as these verse state:
Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart
Don’t trust your own understanding
Acknowledge Him in all your ways
Verse 13 sums it all up:
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and
the man that getteth understanding
Remember the Song:
Count your blessings, name them one by one;
Count your blessings, see what God hath done;
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
lyrics: Johnson Oatman Jr. Music: Edwin Othello