Married to the Right Man – 44 Reasons Why
Every year I try to update this post and add a reason that I know I’m married to the right man. I praise the Lord for giving that man to me. He is definitely the person that God wanted me to marry and I’m thankful for the many years God has given us together. Not only am I assured that I’m married to the right man, but I know that we shall both be forever with the Lord in eternity.
How do you know if you married the right man?
April 2nd is our anniversary date. I am thankful for 44 years that I have been married to my best friend. How the years fly by!
I remember the days, thinking and wondering if I would even find the right person to marry. Oh how close I came a couple times to marrying the “wrong” person. Oh, that person may have been Mr. Right for someone else, but not for me. The Lord protected me from this. Why?Because one of my main prayers as a young girl was Lord, please close all the doors to marriage if it is not the right person. I did not want my life to end up disastrous. And you know what? The Lord honored that prayer. And He will do the same for anyone who really wants to do His will. Surrender your all to Him and trust and obey. You will never regret it.
We’ve been through valleys and mountain tops together and God has been so good to us! He has blessed us in so many ways – 44 years of marriage, 4 godly children along with their spouses, and 21 grandchildren! I am thankful for the years that the Lord has given us together.
1. I was willing to wait for the right person. This took a little doing because I nearly married the wrong person a few years earlier. God protected me. I am so glad I waited!
2. He loves the Lord wholeheartedly. He did then and and he has throughout our married life.
3. We hit it off right away.
4. We spent our time serving the Lord while dating and that continued into marriage and on to present.
5. My husband was and still is a family oriented man.
6. My husband loves me for who I am and has since day one.
7. I love him for who he is and still do.
8. We have come through good and bad together and during our married life have worked through trials together. The Lord has been our stay.
9. We were best friends when we started dating and we have stayed best friends throughout our married life.
10. He is the hardest worker I know. He does not have a lazy bone in his body.
11. He is the best father I know. He loves his children and they love him.
12. He loves me even at my worst. And believe me, that can be pretty bad sometimes!
13. He likes to be with me more than anyone. Why, I don’t know, but I am sure glad that he does.
14. He is a wonderful grand father! His grandchildren love him so much!
15. He has a compassion for souls and shares the gospel with others.
16. He has always been a good provider.
17. He has always been generous.
18. He has honored his parents and honored mine like his own.
19. He has always been faithful.
20. He is wise. He displays biblical wisdom as seen in Proverbs 3.
21. He has his priorities in the right order – God, wife, children, church, job
22. He is a godly leader.
23. He’s my protector. He cares about my physical, mental, and spiritual protection.
24. He is a good teacher and teaches by example.
25. He is a strong disciplinarian. He is self disciplined and he disciplined in love and according to the Word of God.
26. He is a good counselor and backs up his counseling with the Word of God.
27. He is affectionate, not just to me, but to all of his family.
28. He is a giver of his time, talent, and treasures. An added note: he remembers special days and always give me something special for anniversary, birthday, etc. I am so blessed
29. He is honest and trustworthy.
30. He is unselfish.
31. He is a discerner.
32. He spends time daily in the Word of God.
33. He has a servant’s heart.
34. He looks forward to coming home every day to see me!
35. He is content. He does not have to have all the latest toys, but realizes that godliness with contentment is great gain.
36. He can be trusted. Give him a responsibility and he will fulfill it. If he gives his word on something, he will do what he says.
37. He is loyal – loyal to God, to me, to his children, to his grandchildren, to extended family and to friends and customers.
38. He has presented himself as a living sacrifice to the Lord and does not allow himself to be conformed to this world and it’s goods.
39. He is accessible. He never makes me think that I can’t get in touch with him. I reach him anytime I need him.
40. He has been the best person I know to spend the last 40 years of my life with and I look forward to many more if the Lord tarries!
41. Did I mention that He takes time out of his very busy schedule as an HVAC man to help me keep the house in order as well as do some remodeling along the way! Gotta love a man like that!
42. He knows that our life here is temporary. He does not care about the things of the world, but the things that will last for eternity.
43. Together is our favorite place to be.
44. He wants to grow old WITH ME!
Here’s a video together of pictures of us over the years. It’s pretty long, but if you don’t get bored looking at other people’s pictures :), here it is: