9 Lessons – Israelites at War With Amalek
Recently, I wrote about lessons on the Rock of Horeb. The war with the Amalekites is in the same chapter right after Israel received water from the rock. There were very many more lessons to learn from this very chapter as I went on to study the Israelites war with the Amalekites. It seems throughout the Old Testament that Amalek is a nation of people who despise God and actively conspire to kill off his chosen people-the Jews. Sounds like the devil himself, doesn’t it?
There were nine lessons that stood out to me as I compared the war with Amalek to the my own spiritual warfare.
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- Israel has just received water from the rock and now they were once again refreshed and had renewed strength. Isn’t it just like the devil to jump on you right after you have refreshed yourself with the living water from God’s Word? I’ve seen this happen too many times in my own life. I am feeling great; I’ve spent time with the Lord and have renewed my mind for the day and as soon as I start into other activities, there’s the devil, fighting me: temptations, anger, unkindness, ugly thoughts, complaining, unruly children, etc., etc.,
- Moses was prepared to fight. Preparation to stand against the devil is a must in the Christian life. Moses had a rod; A Christian has The Sword of the Lord. It should be kept always at hand. Ephesians 6:17 … and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
- Moses had men who loved God along side him. A Christian must choose their friends and leaders wisely. Proverbs 13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Joshua and Hur were wise; they chose to follow a wise leader. There are many “leaders” out their today who are deceivers so be careful who you walk with or who walks with you.
- Moses could not do it alone. He became weary in holding up his own hands, but was encouraged by the men he chose. When working under a leader, one needs to realize that he needs as much encouragement as those under him. Encourage your leaders, pastors, Sunday School teachers, anyone in authority over you. One may never know how far this encouragement will go in helping someone to stay steadfast in the Lord. And as Moses hands were lifted up by others, let us lift one another up in prayer.
- Joshua discomfited Amalek with the edge of the sword. The The devil is always discomfited with the Sword of the Lord – God’s Word. It should always be at hand to fight him off.
- Moses was told to write this for a memorial and to rehearse it in the ears of Joshua. Exodus 17:14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: … Oh how many encouraging books could be written or how many truths could be taught our children and grandchildren if all the wonderful things God did for us were written down and repeated to them over and over. ( Now, I keep a journal and have done so for several years now, but I really wish I had kept one when my children were younger – It would be so exciting to share many testimonies of God’s greatness and supernatural works that He did for us with my grandchildren. But is is never too late to start. Maybe that is how Mary pondered things in her heart)
- God said that Amalek’s remembrance would be utterly put out. God will defeat the enemies in our life. He will help us not to remember the battle with the enemy, but instead the victory that He gave us over the enemy. One day the devil will be cast into the lake of fire to be remembered no more! Glory! What a day! Will you see that day?
- Moses built an altar and called it Jehovah-nissi (The Lord is my banner) A Christian should praise God and bow before Him for His victory over the enemies of life. Then let him raise his banner high for all to see that God did it. He is the victor; He is the one who defeats the enemy!
- Amalek never quits. The devil, too, never quits. He will be at war with God’s children until God comes to take His church out of this world. The final victory will be His through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who/what is your Amalek? Are you discouraged, weary, fighting a battle that seems not to end? Remember, God is the victor and He can and will defeat the enemies in your life. Turn to Him, stay refreshed in His Word and keep the Sword of the Lord continually at your side. Then you will be able to hold your banner high and proclaim that God did it!
This was the second part to a children’s Sunday School Lesson in a series on Moses. The first part was the Rock of Horeb. This lesson is offered in a free download Here.
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