Have your eyes been opened as to who God is? How much time have you really spent
Do this, don’t do this! Unfortunately, there are many even in Christianity
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I’m really not a fan of writing on this subject, but lately the sin of drunkenness
Welcome to the newsy Page. Here you will find my most recent newsletter and news
Do you like to write? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I go more on my feelings; I just
How do you connect with your children, your grandchildren? I’m sure there are
Vengeance belongs to the Lord only. How often we want to take matters in our own
“Forever With Jesus” is a child’s book written by Lee Ann Mancini and
Do you like to read? Kindle books are something that I love I can have my books
What lessons do you learn from God’s Word? God’s Word is the mirror
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There are several patriotic printables for your enjoyment. You will find coloring
What are you asking from the Lord today? Have you thought of asking Him a hard thing?
My dad has taught me many lessons throughout life. He is one man that I really
You definitely cannot do this! You are just not good enough at it. You totally
Jesus said Let the little children to come unto me. Don’t stop them. For of such
It is hard to imagine trying to survive. At least for me it is because I’ve
Valentine’s Day is so very close and maybe you are looking for a last minute
The life of Noah is another exciting and intense story. It is amazing that he could
You never know how you might be a blessing to someone. I received an email from
Do you love America? I do. But I realize at this point, America is not in very
Speak Lord for they servant heareth. These were the words Eli told Samuel to say
OnI’ve been so disheartened lately as I’ve heard of so many and even
Where is Your Place? Do you have a quiet place to start your day or where you can