A Little Bit of Everything – at least when you have grand children.
A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher,
and a little bit best friend.
— Author Unknown
When I Count Blessings, I Count:
Children: 4 Grandchildren: 14
Fourteen Grandchildren! How God has blessed us! Number 15 is expected any day! And number 16 is to come in March! Our blessings overflow! When you are a mom you are stretched many ways, but when you become a grand mom you have more to parent, more to teach and more to befriend! No wonder they call us grand! I have been enjoying trying to set a little time aside in order to spend some one on one time with my grand children, at least the older ones right now. Often they come to the house on Friday nights altogether for a regular babysitting time, but it is nice to have some one on one time.
One of my granddaughters is working on earning some money in order to make her own bread. She really enjoys doing this. So I made her a list of chores and she went right to work getting the job done at Grandma’s house. This was a blessing to both of us – she earned some money and I was able to concentrate on babysitting her two younger siblings who were here for the day.
One of my granddaughters is working on earning some money in order to make her own bread. She really enjoys doing this. So I made her a list of chores and she went right to work getting the job done at Grandma’s house. This was a blessing to both of us – she earned some money and I was able to concentrate on babysitting her two younger siblings who were here for the day.
I have also worked on a crafts with two of my other granddaughters. Each of them came at different times and worked on making blankets, one for a Christmas gift and one for her baby brother who is to arrive in March. They both did a great job for their first time sewing a project like this. Believe me, grandma is not a tremendous seamstress so we were all learning together. How blessed we are to have so many good tutorials that we can find on line. For the most part we followed this tutorial to do our blankets.
Children and Grandchildren are a blessing and a gift from God. I am thankful for all of mine, but more important I am thankful that I am one of God’s Children. Are You? You can be and He will give you life abundantly!