Lunch Notes - a super way to connect with children and grandchildren

A Super Way to Connect With Your Children and Grandchildren

How do you connect with your children, your grandchildren? I’m sure there are all kinds of ways. Here is one super way that we as parents and grandparents can do that. Try using lunch box notes or in other words, use some form of notes, whether it be notes in the lunch box, notes on the pillow or mirror, texting, emailing, or whatever form you can think of to send a note .

A great book that will help you learn how to connect

Lunch Notes - a super way to connect with children and grandchildren


Recently I read a great little Kindle Book Called

Lunch Notes to Our Children

author: Nicole Hewitt

The author states in the description of her book that she does not want to raise just “good kids”, but she wants to raise followers of Christ. Right there I was in tune with this author. I feel so much the same for my 21 grandchildren. I praise God, that my 4 children and their spouses are followers of Christ and now I desire the same things for my grandchildren.

So how does one talk to their children every single day and connect with their hearts in the process? I’ve often heard of parents writing notes to their children and storing them in their lunchboxes. Just this idea in general is great. But why not use those notes as a tool to make bonding with our children stronger and to encourage and instill a close walk with the Lord into their hearts? This book is intended to give guidelines to do just that!

Children today are being exposed to things I never would have imagined as a child.  They need armor in which to fight their battles, armor that comes only from the God’s Word.  Biblical notes to our children can be a super and intentional way to help them to desire to put on the whole armor of God, in order to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Read some of these quotes from the author:

It is my desire and prayer that this book will be useful to other parents who want to sow Christ and the living Word into their sons and daughters on a daily basis, while making an intentional heart connection with them through the process.

Modern technology, texting, and other means of social media provide numerous other means through which the same messages or notes can be shared on a regular basis.

The purpose of this book is to encourage all of us, as parents, to maintain meaningful and vital methods by which we can make heart connections with our sons and daughters. These connections are something we should never let go of— and neither should we fail to embrace our missional stewardship of our children.

The sooner we can help our children embrace their mission to impact their surroundings, the sooner they will become active, lifelong followers of Jesus.

The greatest gift of security our children can receive is to unmistakably know and embrace their position as a son or daughter of the living God.

As parents, we want to point our children toward the character of God and expose them to the traits and qualities that represent Him.

This book includes:

  • Ten Biblical values for us, as parents and grandparents, to instill into the lives of our children.  
  • Illustrations for speaking encouragement into your child’s life
  • 100+ examples of ready-made notes
  • Blank notes to cut out and use for your own notes

This book challenged and inspired me  to spend more intentional time getting to know my grandchildren and working harder at diligently instilling God’s Word into their hearts and minds.  It would be a great book for any parent or grandparent.

I read the Kindle version myself which you can pick up here:

Or you can pick up a paperback copy here.

Disclosure of Material: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through the book review program. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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