A Tribute to My Mother-In-Law
My Mother-in-law is a special lady. We have been blessed to still have this lady in our lives since my mom, grandmom, and grandmom-in-law are all now in heaven.
They are missed dearly, but we are thankful for the hope of seeing them again one day. With Mother’s Day Coming Soon, we always want to honor this one lady who is still in our lives.
In fact Mother or Father should be honored on any day of the week or year.
Ephesians 6:2-3 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
A Tribute to My Mother-In-Law
My mother-in-law is a wonderful, godly lady who seeks to please the Lord in all that she does and upholds her children and grandchildren in prayer daily. She is blessed with over 100 grandchildren and great grand children.
A few years ago she was in a terrible accident and by God’s mercy and grace, it is a miracle that she is still with us. It is a miracle that she can walk, because we thought she was going to be in a wheel chair for a long time.
But the Lord had other plans and we are thankful.
After the accident she gave me shared a testimony with me regarding a window of time that the Lord may give in our lives. She loves people and is concerned for the souls of others. She tells others about the Lord wherever she goes. What an example she has been to us for so many years. We are truly blessed.
Below is a picture of her with my daughter and two of her children.
Here are some things that I have observed and learned from the life of my Mother-in-law.
M She has been a mom to me.
O She puts others first and is always ready to help meet their needs.
T Her time is not her own. She shares it and uses it for others.
H She’s a hard working woman.
E Her treasure is laid up with Eternity in view.
R She realizes that she reaps what she sows so she plants goodness.
IN In Prayer– She upholds all of us IN prayer.
L Lots of sacrificial love has been given by her over the years.
A She is always there to listen, to help, to lend a hand.
W She realizes that true wisdom comes from the Lord.
My Mother in law loves to read.
Check out some of my favorite books here.
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