Tribute to the best HVAC tech I know on National HVAC Tech Day.

A Tribute to the Best HVAC TECH I know on National HVAC Tech Day

In 2016, National HVAC Tech Day (You can read more about it here) was created to show appreciation for all HVAC technicians in the industry.

Do you know or have a great HVAC Tech that takes care of your heating and air problems?

The greatest HVAC Tech I know happens to be my husband.  

He is a licensed and insured Tech in the state of North Carolina. And if you don’t think it was tough getting through that test, just ask anyone who has had to endure it.  

We are grateful that the Lord helped him through it and he now owns and operates his own business.  

He has worked hard at living up to  Pro_22:1  A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

Tribute to the best HVAC tech I know on National HVAC Tech Day - Thank those who help to keep you cool. #nationalhvactechday

Characteristic of this HVAC man:

He is the hardest worker I know and he enjoys what he does.

He keeps up on the latest.  He is not a fly by night guy who just tries to make it work. He researches and studies to do what is best for you.  He has often had to repair work that was done by a fly by night guy.

He’s pretty much on call 24/7 and is willing to go out of his way for his customers.

He  is out in extreme temperatures from freezing to HOT working in uncomfortable conditions like sweltering heat and numbing cold, in order to restore your comfort.

He often works in creepy crawly places, claustrophobic places, very hot attics, places with dust, debris, cobwebs, mildew and more, just so many places that most people don’t want to go.

He will service your unit regularly if you ask which helps to keep your system running efficiently and minimizes wear and tear.

He is a Christian, not just by name, but a real Christian.  He knows the Lord Jesus Christ as His Savior and lives accordingly.  He commits His business to the Lord and seeks to walk in the Spirit as He deals with different customers on a daily basis.  You know, he often listens to people complain, those who are just not happy no matter what you do, and to others who share burdens.  He takes these things to heart and cares about His customers.  He prays for them and shares God’s Word with them when possible.  (That’s one of the benefits of working for yourself.(read a little about our staring up here)

He is grateful. He is grateful for His job, the Lord’s provision, his customers, his health, and more.   He has had a few irate customers, but most appreciate him; he really is grateful for good customer relationship.  It helps make his job much more enjoyable.

Has it been worth it?  Oh yes!

The Lord has provided over and above because this tech is in the place where God wants Him to be and where God leads, He will provide.

There are many faithful and loyal customers who appreciate him and express it. They ask for cards and refer him to others.  Most of his new customers come through word of mouth.

What can you do?

Do you have a regular HVAC man that helps you out?  Show him some appreciation.  It will mean a lot to him.  Ask for his card and refer him to others.

Take care of your HVAC system.  Remember it is probably the most expensive appliance you have in your house.  Change the filters regularly and schedule a yearly tune up.  

Schedule an appointment with your HVAC man

It would also be great if you’d take time to go to his Facebook page or His Google page and leave a review/testimonial or give him a thumbs up!  Granted his sites could be updated, but when you work pretty much solo as an HVAC tech there is not time to be a computer tech too.:)(Anybody know a great website tech we could contact?)

I know I’m a little prejudiced, but really, you will not find a better HVAC technician than this guy who lives at my house.  He is the best!  He is honest and dependable and will make sure the job gets done right.  Give him a call if you need him.  

If you’d like to join many others in Biblical Encouragement, please do so below. Thanks.