Awesome products to help present the gospel

Awesome Products That Can Be Used To Share The Gospel

There are some awesome products that can be used to share the gospel.  I have used a gospel bracelet in Sunday School as well as with my grandchildren in telling them the good news of Jesus and the reason they need Him to save them from their sins.

There is another bracelet called the Seven C’s Bracelet? Each one of the colors on the bracelet represents one of the Seven C’s.   What is the Seven C’s you ask?  This comes from Answers in Genesis and is part of their creation museum in Kentucky.  If you have never been there, it would make a great trip with the family.  In the museum they portray the Seven C’s of History. 

Awesome products to help present the gospel


In a nutshell here are the Seven C’s Meanings:

I have colored the letters of each one to match the color of the stone on the bracelet.  The colors are similar to using the Wordless Book.

Creation – In the Beginning – in six, 24 hour days – God made a perfect Creation.

Corruption – The first man, Adam, disobeyed the Creator.  His sin brought death and  Corruption into the creation. 

Catastrophe – Adam’s race became so wicked that God judged the world with a great Catastrophe – a global flood – saving only those on the Ark built by Noah

Confusion – When Noah’s descendants disobeyed God’s command to fill the earth, God brought Confusion to their language, forcing them to spread over the earth.

Christ – The Creator became a man, Jesus Christ, who obeyed God in everything unlike the first man, Adam.

Cross – Jesus, the Messiah, died on the Cross to pay the penalty for mankind’s sin against God  He rose from the dead, providing life for all who trust in Him as Savior.

Consummation – One Day, at the Consummation, the Creator will remake His creation.  He will cast out death and the disobedient, create a new heaven and new earth, and dwell eternally with those who trust in Him

We can start at the beginning of God’s Word and use every story to give the Gospel

These Seven C’s make an awesome way to clearly give a gospel whether all at once or a little at a time.

I actually took each one of these and elaborated on the individual Bible stories to present to my Sunday School Children.  I also made a craft to go along with each one.

Here is one example I used with the tower or Babel.  Check it out and get your own copy of this Bible Story PLUS a free craft for your personal use.

Using the colors on the bracelet will helps anyone to remember the stories in The Bible and how each one is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 



This is definitely something you would want to add to your personal collection or to give as a gift. You can get these bracelets here. They are inexpensive and you could present them to your children and/or grandchildren as gifts or anytime.

There are many other awesome things in the Answers in Genesis store that connect with the Seven C’s.  Here are a few of them. 

7 C’s in God’s Eternal Plan Puzzle

-7 C’s in God’s Eternal Plan Tumbler

-7 C’s Audio CD by Buddy Davis

-7 C’s Evangelism Cube





If you missed the link for your free download, then go here

And don’t forget to get your own 7 C’s products right here.


And definitely don’t forget to go here to sign up for more Biblical Encouragement


Hello, I noticed this bracelet about a year or two ago on the AiG site, but never got around to buying it. It doesn’t seem to be available anymore on their site, so I was wondering if you knew of any other place I could get it. Can’t find it anywhere! ☹️


    I am so very sorry. You are right. It is no longer available. I am trying to find out if there is another place to get one. I love mine and have no idea why they discontinued it. Makes me sad too.

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