Are You Seeking God With Your Whole Heart?

Am I really seeking God with my whole heart? I’ve been meditating on Psalm 119:10-11.    These are already familiar verses to me.


How do we go about seeking God wholeheartedly?

As I thought upon them, it was important to me to include verse 9.

Psalms 119:9 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.

Isn’t it interesting that the Word of God says “young man”?  

Although any of us should desire to live a pure life, it is so important to get this in our youth!  I want my grandchildren to get this now!  What is he to do?

In order to cleanse his way, to keep himself pure and holy and maintain his life like this, he must take heed to God’s Word.  He must pay attention to what God says now while he is young.  He must let it be his guide and his ultimate counselor!  Here are three ways he can do this:

  1. Cleanse his heart from sin through the power of Salvation.  We are all sinners, yes wicked sinners.  As the Wordless Book Song goes;  My heart was dark with sin, until the Savior came in.  His precious blood I know has washed it white as snow. He must know for sure that He is washed in the blood of the lamb. (I Cor. 6:11; Rev. 1:5)
    • I am so glad that I made this decision as a young person. (You can read my testimony here)  I am praying that all my grandchildren will be saved at a young age.  It will be the beginning for them to live a pure and holy life before the Lord.
  2. Cleanse his way daily by keeping sin confessed.  Once saved, it doesn’t mean there will be no more struggles with sin.  There will be many and Satan will also be after our grandchildren to “sift them as wheat”  Oh how I need to uphold them in prayer daily! (here are some ways you can pray for your grandchildren)  
    • 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  This verse was written to Christians.
  3. Cleanse his way by taking heed to the Word of God – I need to encourage my grandchildren to study God’s Word, apply it and obey it. Oh that they might realize that our own way is not God’s Way, but as we let God’s Word guide us, we can know we are in His Way! (Psalm 25:4, Is. 55:7-9)

Don’t you think that verses 10-11 kind of sums up everything?  

We as grandparents must seek God with our whole hearts if we desire the same for our grandchildren.  Our whole heart must be involved.  Do I seek Him wholeheartedly?  I’m afraid that many times my time with the Lord is so half-hearted.   What changes might come in my life if I really sought him with my whole heart?

How easily I wander from the Lord.  I start off with good intentions and before you know it I am distracted by interesting things on the internet, or by things that I just need to get done.  I don’t know about you, but sometimes I think I have adult ADD.  My attention span is often so short and I don’t really meditate on God’s Word and what He wants me to do.



Words: Ro­bert Ro­bin­son, 1758

Have I really hidden God’s Word in my heart?  

Is it so precious to me that I’ve tucked it away so I can use it every time I need it, which really should be continual.  I need to know God’s Word so I can fight off the tactics of the devil, so I can fight off the lusts of the flesh, so I can daily keep myself from sin.  I need it there to guide me, to help me walk in the Spirit, to help me to be an example to my children and grandchildren and to show them how much God loves them and that His commandments are not grievous.  Isn’t it wonderful to know that God loves us so much that His commandments are NOT grievous?  Doing what He commands ought to be the delight of our hearts. What has God commanded you to do?  Are you doing it?


I was thinking yesterday about how important it is to hide God’s word in your heart. I spent the day with my mom, whose dementia is getting worse every day, but when I started quoting verses, she was able to say them along with me. She may be forgetting everything else, but God’s word is still in her heart!


    That is so awesome! I also cared for a lady with dementia. She could be a handful, but at the same time she loved it when I read the Bible to her and also when I sang hymns to her. She would join in. It made time with her special.


I love this Ellen! It is so important to begin seeking the Lord at a young age. Hiding God’s words in our heart is a treasure no one can take away from us. Thanks for sharing with #throughtheword.

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