Birthday Month

This is quite a birthday month in our family.  We have four grand kids with birthdays.  Two of them have already gone by. 

We celebrated Kole’s birthday this past Wednesday by going to Chick-Fil-A after Wednesday night prayer meeting.  Kole turned four years old.  He asked his mom, Am I really four now?  Then he wanted to see a picture of himself when he was a baby.  The only thing he really wanted for his birthday was a fake golden sword.  His mom doesn’t know where that came from, but that is what he kept asking for.  His aunt found one in a bookstore near here so she sent it to him.  He was very happy with that.

Below is a picture album of our night at Chick-Fil-A.

By the way, our grand daughter, Allie, who lives in Brazil did not know what Chick-Fil-A was.  Maybe she will look at the pictures so she can see a little bit of Chick-Fil-A.  Maybe we she comes home on furlough we can all go there together to get a treat.
On March 8th, we celebrated Caleb’s first birthday.  What a blessing!   You see when he was born, we did not know if he was going to be with us long.  But God in His mercy spared his life.


Here he is at birth all hooked up in the NICU. 


And here he is now on his first birthday!  Praise the Lord for His mercy and grace!

Below are pictures of fun time with family and friends as we celebrated his birthday. 

Audrey’s birthday is not until the 23rd of this month.  However,  I have been taking the older grand daughters out to eat and then shopping to pick out something they want.  I took Audrey this past Tuesday and we had a very good time together.  We ate at the Cafe to Go – a favorite eating place of her family.  The food was actually very good.  I did manage to get a few pictures.

Well, there is one more birthday to go.  Addie has her birthday on the 12th.  I will be taking her out next week so hope to get some pictures up of her soon.