Build – Who is building your house?
What Kind of House are you building?
The only way we can build a house is to let the Lord build it.
He alone is the master builder.
Any other way to build a house is vanity, empty.
The Rock of course is Jesus
He is the solid foundation.
Every house needs a foundation and if it isn’t Jesus, then we are building in vain for every good thing we can do to build our house will one day crumble and fall. It is like building on the sand.
When we are saved we begin building our houses on the Lord Jesus, He takes us out of the miry clay and sets us upon a Rock to stay
Psalms 40:2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
Yes, THE ROCK, is the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. And when the storms come instead of crumbling and falling the Lord will hold us up!
Are you building on the Lord? Is He your firm foundation? Don’t let your labor be in vain. For all the labor in the world can never earn you a place in heaven. You must build on Him alone.