Can I Bless The Lord In The Midst Of A Pandemic?
Days may be dark for you, hard for you? I don’t know what you’re facing in the midst of this pandemic and these troublesome times in our world. But one thing I do know is that we are told to Bless the Lord. David did even though he was often being chased down by his enemies.
How can I bless the Lord? He certainly blesses me over and over. In Psalm 103, David tells how he blesses the Lord. In actuality he is praising Him; He is praising Him with his whole heart and remembering all the good things that He does for him. I need to do the same thing all the time!
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Forget not all his benefits
Who doesn’t love benefits? I can think of numerous jobs that my husband has had over the years and the different benefits that came with them. What a blessing they were. For instance, since he worked at a church and private school, my children received free tuition and it was the same later when he worked for a private college. There were a few times we had health insurance as benefits. Not only did my children get free tuition, but they were able to ride to school with their dad every day and have that time to spend with him. As the children got older, they were even able to help him on the job doing cleaning and maintenance. This helped them to develop good work ethic.
I also worked for a pediatrician for a couple years. What a blessing to get doctor visits and checkups as an added benefit. And to this day, it is a lifetime benefit if I ever need it. My children have been able to take advantage of this a couple times with their own children.
And the list could go on.
So while David was thinking on this, he made quite of list of the benefits that we receive from the Lord. It ought to make our soul bless Him with all our being!
- He forgives ALL my sins – This is number one on the list! Have you ever thought about that? What a load of guilt lifted when the Savior forgave my sin and saved my soul! What a wonderful benefit that even when we fall back into sin, we can come to Him and confess knowing that He is faithful to forgive over and over! Don’t ever take for granted God’s mercy and saving grace in forgiving our sins!
- He heals all my diseases – Have you ever thought about all the times the Lord has healed you? He heals our sin sick soul when we trust Him as Savior. But He also heals us physically. He ultimately heals us from any sickness we may have had. He alone is the great physician. and what He allows is for the glory of God! When we see healing, we can rest assured it is from God. He heals us Spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
- He redeems my life from destruction – He took me from the miry pit and redeemed my soul! (Psalm 40)
- He crowns me with loving kindness and tender mercies
- He satisfies my mouth with good things (I’m enjoying some almonds right now!) and that renews my strength
- He works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed – Just look at how he led Moses and the Israelites and how He provided for them and delivered them over and over! He is JUST THE SAME today!
- He is merciful, gracious, slow to anger (I”m sure glad!) Repeat – HE IS PLENTEOUS IN MERCY! (Where would I be without it?)
- He doesn’t always scold or keep His anger. How loving and kind is that! But for those who reject His saving grace, they will one day face the final wrath of God.
- He does not deal with us according to what we deserve for our sins – Mercy – more mercy! It never ends! Praise God!
- He pities us like a father does his children – I can always remember how much compassion my dad had on me, especially after being punished. He loved us so much! And God does so much more!
- He remembers that we are weak and but dust
- He knows our days are as grass and flowers – gone so quickly – whew! I cannot believe that some of my grandchildren are now grown up! The Bible doesn’t lie.
- His mercy goes on and on, never ending to those who fear Him and His righteousness extends to our grandchildren and beyond
- to those who keep His covenant and remember His commandments and DO THEM
- He’s in heaven on His throne and He rules all!
If you’re going through extreme trials and hardships here on earth, just remember that as a child of God, that is the only hell that you will ever know. One day we will be in heaven with the King of kings! Can you think of a better benefit?
So …
BLESS THE LORD – angels that excel in strength, obeying His commandments, hearkening to the voice of His word
BLESS THE LORD – all His hosts, His ministers, that do what is pleasing to Him
BLESS THE LORD – all His works, His creation in all places of His dominion
Have you blessed Him today. We are to offer Him the sacrifice of praise. Count your blessings today and it may surprise you what the Lord has done even in the middle of a pandemic!