Revelation 1:5 . . . Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own
7 Things a Grandma Would Love at Her Birthday Party What are some things you would
Prayer Time for Tuesday Spending time with prayer each day is something I told the
Do you have daily prayer routine? My daily prayer routine is always something I
There is a story told of Ira D. Sankey who was the music man for D. L. Moody
Psalms 30:4 Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance
What a blessing to know that there is only one way to heaven! If there were many
It struck me how blessed I am to have been taught THE TRUTH from the time I was born.
What A day that will be, when my Jesus I will see, when I look upon His face, the
Below is a quote from William Burkitt’s Expository Notes: Isn’t
The newness of Life in Christ – what a blessing! Once I accepted Jesus
What a blessing to still be able to enter the house of the Lord and worship freely.
God’s grace is so amazing and it is for anyone! First of all we are saved
Knowing that God is not yet finished with me is such a blessing! Otherwise, I would
Christ is all and in all. (Col 3:11) He is all I need! How often when I’ve
Luke 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children:
What walls or troops are you up against today? God can break through the troop
Are you longing for something and you’re not sure what it is? Is there an
There is no earthly counselor who can compare to the counsel I receive from my Lord
My parents taught me as a child that Jesus Christ is the only way, the Truth and
It was a good day! I did everything “right”. I started off the day
How awesome it is to know that I am holy and righteous in the sight of God. Only
What a blessing to know that this earth is not my eternal home! My home is in heaven
This morning was a beautiful morning. I have been suffering from a headache the
Isaiah 40:28-31 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting