Christ is Mighty to Save!

Believer, here is encouragement. Art thou praying for some beloved one? Oh, give not up thy prayers, for Christ is “mighty to save.” You are powerless to reclaim the rebel, but your Lord is Almighty. Lay hold on that mighty arm, and rouse it to put forth its strength. Does your own case trouble you? Fear not, for His strength is sufficient for you. Whether to begin with others, or to carry on the work in you, Jesus is “mighty to save;” the best proof of which lies in the fact that He has saved you. What a thousand mercies that you have not found Him mighty to destroy! ~Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening

Not only is it a blessing to know that Christ can and did save me from my sin through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, but it is a blessing to know that He keeps me, and that His strength is sufficient for me day by day and that His mercy keeps me from being destroyed!