Do’s and Don’ts of the Christian Life
Do this, don’t do this! Unfortunately, there are many even in Christianity who tell us we must do and don’t do this in order to be a Christian. Because of this it has turned many away from the gospel.
The Do This and Don’t Do this basis of Christianity is simply not true. Christianity is not based on doing or not doing. God did not send the law as our check list to get to heaven. He sent it as our schoolmaster to lead us to Christ, to show us that we are all sinners in need of The Savior.
So are there do’s and don’ts of the Christian life? Absolutely!
The main do is DO TRUST CHRIST ALONE AS YOUR SAVIOR! Friend if you want to know what to do in order to get to heaven, then you must trust Christ to save you. He will save you by His grace through your faith in Him. There is nothing you can do of yourself to come to Christ. It is only by His grace. But this is a definite DO! So have you done this? Have you repented of your sin and turned to Jesus? Now is the time of salvation.
Is that it? Yes, that’s it when it comes to salvation. Just simple faith in Christ and He alone saves you by His grace, But that is NOT IT, when it comes to living the Christian life. Many may say, I don’t want to be a Christian because it is a list of do’s and don’ts. It’s true that I get upset when a babe in Christ is suddenly told by “godly counselors” that you must do this or don’t do this in order to be right with God. In truth, they may be right, but to jump on a new Christian with all the “rules” might only tend to ruin him/her. I am so thankful that the Lord, Himself, is kind and gentle and patient. Let us speak The Truth in Love and leave the results to God.
Give them time
As a babe in Christ, they may need time. Just as a baby needs time to grow, to walk, and then toddle along, etc., so does a Christian. Instead of giving him/her “the list” of what will make them a successful Christian, encourage them feed on the milk of God’s Word every day and then pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them into all truth. HE WILL! They will begin to see the list of do’s and don’ts for themselves as they are kindly trained in the Word of God.
So yes, there are many do’s and don’ts of the Christian life.
God has given us many commandments in His Word. His will is laid out for us there.
The first do:
Be saved
Be Holy as He who called you is Holy:
“Be ye holy; for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16).
Go and sin no more – Confess you sin always to God. He is faithful and just to forgive. This is not getting saved over and over, but just a daily sanctification. God’s Word is truth. It cleanses us.
Find faithful believers who love the Lord and fellowship with them. Get baptized as a testimony to others that you want to follow the Lord wholeheartedly.
Read your Bible Daily and meditate upon it. Hide it in your heart – it will keep you from sin. As you read and meditate, ask the Lord every day to show you His ways and teach you His paths. These are the do’s and don’ts of Christianity. They are all within the Word of God. We are to live holy lives before Him because He is holy. He will reveal to you what holiness is if you stay in His Word.
Be thankful to God and praise His name. Let your praise be a song in your heart of gratitude to Him. He has put a new song in your heart. Let that new song exemplify Christ and character.
Don’t ever give up on the Lord. When you face hard times (and you will), remember God is always there even if it seems as though He is far away. He will never leave you. He works all things for good to those who love Him in order that we are more conformed to the likeness on His Son. One day it will be worth it all, for when we see Jesus. One glimpse of His dear face will erase all sorrow forever.
So yes, the Christian life is full of do’s and don’ts. Let those do’s and don’ts be of the Lord and not man made. Here are 10 good reasons to live a holy life