What to do in times of Trial

Eight Things To Do In Any Time Of Trial

This is quite a story!  I'm not sure I could endure the trials that this man endured. You won't want to miss reading about it!   

How is life for you during this pandemic period?  I go a little stir crazy every now and then.  I remind myself to keep looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.  He’s coming soon!  Let’s be ready!

I love the Psalms.  

According to Psalm 37 here are 8 things we should do.

According to Psalm 37 here are 8 things we should do., not just during this pandemic but anytime in our walk with the Lord.

1. DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE WICKED OR ENVY THE WRONG DOERS – they will fade away soon, will wither like flowers.

2. TRUST IN THE LORD and DO GOOD – He will take care of you.

3. DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD – Doing so will result in the right desires

4. COMMIT EVERYTHING YOU DO TO THE LORD. EVERYTHING! Cast your burdens on Him, He’ll sustain you. He cares for you.

5. REST IN THE LORD AND WAIT PATIENTLY FOR HIM – The Lord knows what is going on! Why try to figure it out and take control myself. He is the King, He reigns. I need not worry about the wicked and their schemes.

6. STOP BEING ANGRYThere is no need to be angry or worry or fret. The wicked will all be destroyed.

7. DEPART FROM EVIL and DO GOOD – Let us look around and see what good we can do during these trying times. People need the Lord. Spread cheer and kindness and above all the gospel of Jesus Christ.

8. MARK THE PERFECT MAN – Look for those who are like-minded, those who love the Lord with all their heart soul, mind and strength. We need to edify one another and SO MUCH THE MORE as we see the day approaching. Jesus is coming soon! As His children, let’s be ready!

I AM READING THIS NOW.  IT'S HARD TO PUT DOWN.   It's the dramatic autobiography of one of China's dedicated, courageous, and intensely persecuted house church leaders. This is the gripping story of how God took a young, half-starved boy from a poor village in Henan province and placed him on the front line for Jesus, in the face of impossible odds. Instead of focusing on the many miracles or experiences of suffering, however, Yun prefers to focus on the character and beauty of Jesus.