Fabulous Find – Mindful Eating Challenge

For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, (1 Tim. 4:8)   Now that’s a convicting verse.  How often I want to concentrate on the health of my body and how I can make it function or look better, but I forget to concentrate on the health of my soul and how I can make it function better.

Now it is important to take care of our bodies.

The above verse does NOT mean to neglect our bodies; our bodies are in fact the temple of the Holy Spirit.  So there is certainly nothing wrong with exercise, fresh air, eating right, and so on.  But that should not be our main emphasis.  Training in godliness/growing in grace – these should be our main emphasis! 

We should strive to live a Christ like life. We should daily present our bodies a living sacrifice to Him, Jesus Christ, the one who bought us with a price – this should be our main priority!

In Romans Paul basically begs us to live holy separated lives unto the Lord.  He knew that this is the most important thing in life.  (Romans 12:1-2)

There are, however, simple and practical ways that we can take care of our bodies; these are ways that would be pleasing to the Lord Jesus. 

I’ve found a short free 5 day challenge that will help any of us in doing that.  It’s a challenge to help us learn to eat mindfully by tuning in to our choices.

5 Day Free Challenge on Mindful Eating

Free 5 day course on Mindful Eating – your fabulous find for today.

I have joined up with this course myself because I figure anyone can do a 5 day challenge.  And I really want to focus on some of these challenges.  Go ahead and join me  Just go right over here and sign up.

What I like about this course is that it helps keep your mind Christ centered as you work on the challenge goals.

AND you don’t have to buy special foods or follow a certain diet.

This challenge is for those who want to focus on healthier eating from a faith-based perspective.

I’m looking forward to this little challenge and I hope you’ll join in too.

Here’s the link again – hope to see you there!

Join in for Biblical Encouragment

Betty Rhodes

Hi Ellen, Hope you are enjoying your week and doing better with the Food program than I am. I came home from Charlotte with a very sore throat. I thought I was getting a cold or worse the flu, but as it turned out, with taking cold-eze all week it has only been a sore throat. I printed off the information on Sunday so I would be ready to start the program on Monday, but I felt so bad, I didn’t even want anything to eat, much less have to plan and think about what and how to do to make it work. I am sorry I botched it. I’m sure it would have been good, but unfortunately, I am not good at eating right (didn’t want to call it dieting).

I had an email from one of my Circle Sisters today, who is a true believer, always seems so upbeat and happy. I was really surprised to read something she said, but it was almost like I was saying it, because I feel the same way so often. This is what she said: “Some days I feel trapped in my own body and wish I could just break out, like a caterpillar into a butterfly and flutter around like I used to! I don’t like being needy and limited but God’s training ground is not always fun and carefree is it. But He promises that He will continue to work on our sanctification until the day we see him face to face.” Ellen, do you ever get this type of feeling? Do you think it is the old devil trying to get into our head and make us feel this way, so we won’t be happy the God wants us to be? In one way, it was encouraging to me, to hear someone else say something that is so relevant to the way I often feel. It made me realize, I am not alone in having these feelings and doubts. Sometimes, I don’t feel like God hears me when I pray and then I start having doubts about that. As I told you in a prior message, my christian life has been like a roller coaster, but for the past 20 or so years, I have been deligently trying to serve my Lord and live a life that would be pleasing to him. I want to be a light for Him and a witness to my family and friends. Sometimes it is just so hard to be that perfect person that I want to be for Him. Any suggestions and/or advise you may give me would certainly mean more than you might ever imagine.
Blessings, Betty


    You know, none of us can ever be the perfect person that we might desire to be in our own hearts. Paul, himself said, the good that I would do, I don’t do and the bad things I do. Yet, he realized that walking with the Lord is a day by day sanctification by God’s grace. That doesn’t mean I need to get saved over and over. God has already made me His child, so I sure don’t need to keep joining His family. I’ve already joined by His grace through faith in what Jesus did for me on the cross. I’m His child and that I will be forever. But just as a child often disobeys His parents, I too often disobey my Lord.

    It’s interesting that you mentioned the word trapped. David himself often felt trapped, trapped by his enemies, overwhelmed, not knowing which way to go. Yet he cries out to God for deliverance and God hears and answers. Read Psalm 142. When you’re overwhelmed, trapped, and feel like you’re getting nowhere, remember God hears and answers prayer and He knows the way. He can lead you right out of those traps. Just as a parent gently leads their children through different storms of life, God does the same for His children.

    The Lord is our refuge, our shelter, our help in time of need all the way until we take our last breath on this earth. Then one day we will see Him face to face and praise God, we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is! Oh what a day that will be! Finally, our sin nature is gone and we are 100% perfect, 100% satisfied!

    You are not alone. We are all still sinners as long as we walk this earth, but we are sanctified sinners and we just need to rest in the fact that it was Jesus who paid the price for that sin and it is He alone that can justify us, nothing good of ourselves. There is no credit we can take. As we rest in that fact then He step by step gives us the power to become His masterpiece. He created us anew so that we can now do the good things He planned for us.

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