Fabulous Finds For The Close Of The Year
It’s the close of the year. Don’t you like to go shopping with your gift cards or Christmas money you may have received? Or maybe you are just looking for some end of the year deals out there. Here are a few.
The most fabulous find anyone can have is the gift of eternal life. It’s a great find for the close of 2017 if you haven’t already got it. I hope you do. How do you get it? For God So Loved the World that He Gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
There you have it! New Life in Christ through belief in the Son of God. Please, dear friend, don’t neglect this fabulous find!

Photo Credit: Nicolas Tissot Unsplash
Some More Great Finds:
Free Devotional Book sent to you quarterly from Institute from Creation Research.
Christmas Clearance Sale from CBD
You can find some adorable planners and calendars at DaySpring
Shop now for great deals on calendars and planners.
Or check out their after Christmas and Warehouse sales:
Or Browse Jane.com and find a cute gift for yourself or someone else