Feeling Ashamed
Do I REALLY love the Word of God? I say I do. I read it daily. I listen to it before bed and try to go to sleep meditating on it. I try to think on it throughout the day and what God wants me to do to make life changing decisions and to be a living sacrifice for Him. I work at sharing it with my grandkids because I want them to love it and know it and obey it too, but do I Really love God’s Word? After seeing this video, I am feeling ashamed. I have thought about this all day and realize that I do NOT love the Word of God as I ought. It is not so precious to me as it is to these people. I am too often caught up in the things of this world, that I forget how precious God’s Word should be to me. Praise God for His Word and may I, as one of God’s children, never take it for granted.
I have a precious Book
I have a precious Book, it’s the Word of God.
It’s the only Book that God has giv’n.
As I read, God speaks to me,
I see Christ and Calvary.
The Wonderful Word of God.
Forever it will stand as the ages roll,
It’s the living and eternal Word.
It’s my guiding light each day,
and without it I would stray;
The Wonderful Word of God.
Dear Lord may I each day
read Thy precious Word.
May I love it and obey it too.
May I grow to be like Thee.
May my friends see Christ in me.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
~author unknown