Four Good Ways to Start the New Year
So, it’s another New Year! As we look back and reflect upon this past year, many of us are thinking about changes that we need to make or new things we need to do. It is a great time to set new goals.
Starting the New Year
These are things I ought to do not just at the beginning of a new year, but daily and consistently. The New Year is just a good time to reflect and think on these things.
Seek the Lord’s face daily and read and meditate on His Word asking Him to direct my steps – committing my way to Him and letting Him direct my thoughts. Proverbs 16:3 Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.
Realize that God’s Way is the best way. I do need to make a plan and stick with it, but as I ask the Lord to direct my steps, if interruptions are brought my way, can I accept them as God’s best, as perhaps a divine appointment from Him?
Psalms 18:30 As for God, his way is perfect: . . .
People, my husband, my family ought to always come before things or plans. Can I be focused more on them rather than the things I need or want to do? Life on this earth will quickly vanish. May I invest in the lives around me for that is what I can take into eternity with me.
Meditate on God’s Word through out the day and keep a song in my heart and on my lips. Make this a continual and life long habit! You’ll be glad you did!