God's Easter Miracles Book Review

“God’s Easter Miracle” – A Book Review

“God’s Easter Miracles” is a child’s book written by Lee Ann Mancini and illustrated by Dan Sharp.  The book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for a review. Being the grandma of 19, I was once again happy to review a book for children.

This is the second book I reviewed by Lee Ann Mancini.  (Check out the review on “A Servant Like Jesus“)   This is another book full of colorful illustrations and  adorable little sea creatures to which young children could relate.  You will find the sea creature children in Sunday School on Easter Sunday.  Miss Linda is a wonderful teacher whom the children love.  On Easter Sunday she has some great surprises for them.  While on an Easter Egg hunt, Miss Linda told them that a special prize would be given to anyone finding an egg with a cross on it. There were three of them.  Jimmy found two of them, but Paul who has autism didn’t understand and cried because he didn’t get one even though he had many eggs with candy in them.  He became angry and threw his eggs.  Miss Linda asked Jimmy if he would please give Paul one of his eggs, but he refused saying it wasn’t fair.

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God's Easter Miracles Book Review

Miss Linda used this as a great opportunity to share the fact that Jesus giving His life for our sins was not fair either.  She made it plain that Jesus chose to give His life for our sins.  Right at this point an accident happens in which all the class needs to pray for one of their fellow sea creatures who had been seriously hurt and needed an Easter miracle to survive.  They prayed and gave thanks and asked for a miracle.

When Jimmy went home, he did not feel like playing, he was sad and he felt bad about not giving his egg to Paul.  He also felt bad about the one who had been injured.  You can order the book to see what happens:

Does Jimmy decide to share his egg with Paul because he is autistic?

Do any of the sea creatures ask Jesus to  come into their heart?

Does God give a miracle and heal the injured one?

In this book you will find:

  • A Loving Sunday School Teacher
  • Children with many different personalities who can learn to love one another and put others first
  • Children learn that God answers prayer, their prayers! 
  • Children learn to give thanks while praying.
  • The emphasis on Jesus dying for our sins, the real reason for Easter
  • Children learn that life is not always easy or fair.
  • The Easter egg hunt was focused on Jesus, the cross, and rewarding others.

You can get your own copy of  “God’s Easter Miracle” HERE

Once again, I’m not exactly sure about the author’s comment at the end of the book:  “Remember: kids, to say your prayers and always have Jesus in your heart.”   I’m not sure what the author meant by this line.  If a child or anyone has accepted Christ as his/her Savior, then Jesus is in his/her heart.  For Jesus never leaves us once we have accepted Him as Savior.  (you can read the rest of my comment here)

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through the BookCrash.combook review program, which requires an honest, though not necessarily positive, review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


Lee Ann Mancini

Hello Ellen,

Thank you for the wonderful review! You mentioned not understanding why we tell Children to always have Jesus in their hearts at the end of each book. And that is a good question. I want to take a moment to share our heart behind why we do this. Children also face daily spiritual struggles. Thank the Lord that Jesus will never leave or forsake us. In addition, Paul states that we are to work out our salvation in Philippians 2:12, meaning to live daily as an example of Christ living in us. And in John 15:4, Jesus tells us to remain in Him. The devil wants their heart’s desires to be for the things of the world. So we kindly remind them to keep Jesus in their hearts daily – let Him be their heart’s desire. Luke 12:34 states, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” We pray they will live out their faith, being an example to others of how Jesus is always there for them dwelling and living in their hearts!

Thank you for allowing me to explain the reason for this statement to little ones at the end of each book!

God Bless,
Lee Ann Mancini


    Thanks so much for clarifying. And yes, I do agree we need to remind our children and grandchildren how important it is to not love the world or the things of the world and to keep their hearts with all diligence – Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. And thank you for allowing me to review your book.

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