Halloween - Trick or Treat?

Is Halloween A Trick? Or Is Halloween A Treat?

"Trick or Treat!" , something I hollered often as a child when I dressed up in my favorite costume and ran up and down the neighborhood streets with my friends.  Today, however, I am not a fan of this holiday and I no longer promote it for my own children and grandchildren.  Halloween is a touchy subject and I don't need to go into that part of it. Romans 14 is a good passage to read.

"Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind."Romans 14:5

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Halloween - Trick or Treat?

Halloween - Trick or Treat?

Using Opportunities

If the opportunity presents itself, however, it is a very good time to share the gospel with others.  A long time ago, one of my second graders wrote an evangelistic poem on the subject of Halloween which I thought was very good.  I've saved it and you can read it in video form below.  This is a great way to share the Lord Jesus with a trick or treater who might show up at your door.