A Citizenship in Heaven
Where is your citizenship?  Yes, I am a citizen of the US, but it's not my permanent citizenship.  One day[...]
Praising the Lord!
We usually think of November as a month of praise and Thanksgiving.  We ought to give praise and thanks continually,[...]
God is the King!
There is no man that is King.  There is only one King and that is the Lord. Psa 47:7  For[...]
Never Forget – Thinking about 9/11
September 11th - Never forget! I may not forget, but my grandchildren don't even know for the most part.  To[...]
Get Thee Out – God Calls Abraham Genesis 12
Obedience brings blessings.  The Lord said to Abram, Get out of your country.  That would be a tough one.  What[...]
Bad Decisions
Have you ever made a decision and regretted it later?  Oh yes, I sure have!  Oh, that I would put[...]
And God Blessed Noah and His Sons
The flood had ended.  Noah and his family had a new beginning and God blessed them.  Every trial brings new[...]
Waiting and Waiting and Waiting
It doesn't really matter how old or young we are, waiting is often a very hard thing to do.  Yet,[...]
But God Led The People – Exodus 13:17-14:14
It was God who led Moses and the children of Israel out of Egypt.  If we would just let God[...]
I, even I – God Himself
God Himself Declares-Genesis 6:17-22"And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all[...]
He Raises The Poor
Psalm 113:7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; Have[...]
Winter Bible Verses
Why Winter? I don’t look forward to winter, although I do think it has its’ own beauty. Yes, all seasons have[...]
A Strong Reprimand About Pride – Psalm 119:21
God's Word tells us that everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord:  He will not[...]
Psalm 119:20 What Is Your Greatest Longing?
My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto thy judgments at all times. Psalm 119:20 Oh, that my[...]
Why I don’t pray
Sometimes I need a  reminder to myself of different reasons why I don't pray or why I end up not[...]
Psalm 119:19 I Am A Stranger Here
The Christian Pilgrim | The Bible Truth Chat Room I am a stranger in the earth: hide not thy commandments[...]
Psalm 119:18 Let God Open Your Eyes
Psalm 119:18 Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of  THY LAW!  Open my eyes to[...]
Psalm 119:17 – The Lord Deals Bountifully With His Servants!
Deal bountifully with they servant, that I may live, and keep Thy Word. Psalm 119:17Who doesn't like deals?  I am[...]
My God delights in Mercy!
Have you given thanks to God today for His mercy!  He delights in mercy and His mercy is new every[...]
Is Anyone Praying For You?
It was one of those weeks!  I was feeling a little down.  I don't like feeling sorry for myself and[...]
DELIGHT in the Word – Psalm 119:16
Do you take delight in the Word of God?  Is it your joy, your happiness, the place you look forward[...]
What a wonderful word! Come. Especially when the word is spoken by the Lord. God, the creator who sent His[...]
Meditate and Respect- Psalm 119:15
Meditate - According to Webster's Dictionary 1828 - To dwell on anything in thought; to contemplate; to study; to turn[...]
Do You Know God?
I don't do this often, but today I’m joining today with the Five Minute Friday community of writers who write for 5[...]
Storage – How Much? Psalm 119:11
Sometimes the things I put into storage end up to be a bunch of clutter. I then find myself overwhelmed[...]
Prone To Wander Psalm 119:10
With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.  Inwardly I desire to[...]
Ultimate Cleansing Psalm 119:9
Oh how I desire for my grandchildren to stay pure.  It is one of my daily prayers for them.  May[...]
Lord, Don’t Leave Me! Psalm 119:8
I have promised to keep God's Word over and over and from my heart I really mean it!  I'm determined,[...]
Praise Him For His Righteous Rules Psalm 119:7
I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments. Psalm 119:7  As I[...]
How to Live Without Shame Psalm 119:6
This is from a series of My Daily Bible Reading verse by verse on Psalm 119.  Individual links will be[...]
What Treasures Do I Desire? Psalm 119:5
What is your greatest heart's desire?  What do you treasure up in your mind and thoughts?  What do you treasure[...]
God’s Not Dead – WE THE PEOPLE
President Ronald Reagan said, “We the people” tell the government what to do, it doesn’t tell us. We the people[...]
Quietness, Blessed Quietness
OH how blessed it is to have a time of quietness! I am so thankful for these times! Quietness is[...]
Have you ever been faced with a situation that left you utterly baffled?  In many ways, this past year has[...]
If God were not slow to anger
Sometimes slow is good.  Praise God that He is slow to anger. If God were not slow to anger: I[...]
300 things that are God’s Will for my life
What is God's Will for my life?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?  I know I did many times[...]
There’s No Middle Of The Road
I’ve joined the Five Minute Friday blog link-up to write for five minutes on an assigned word.  This week the word[...]
A Remedy for Anything and Everything
Today I'm joining a community of bloggers at Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this[...]
JAILED! What’s your reaction?
Do you know anyone that has been jailed unworthily?  I do!  Have you ever heard of anyone like that?  Most[...]
A Song of Praise – He Is Worthy
Who is worthy in your opinion?  There are so many heroes, idolized people set up as worthy in the eyes[...]
7 reasons to avoid anxious care
Are you anxious?  Do you wonder if anyone cares?  Sometimes I think God is so silent.  He doesn't seem to[...]
Thanksgiving and Praise To God – Because of God’s Mercy, We Are Not Consumed!
Are you aware of God's mercy?  Do you realize that if it wasn't for God's mercy every single one of[...]
Thanksgiving and Praise To God – God Can Furnish A Table Even In The Wilderness
Do you feel as though you are in a wilderness right now?  What's happening?  Where are we going?  Where is[...]
Giving Thanks In The Trying and Mundane
Every person, everywhere could say life is hard in one way or another.  As we continue in what this world[...]
Thanksgiving and Praise To God – God Fights For Us
I'm very thankful for our veterans who have fought for us.  I'm grateful for those who are now fighting for[...]
Thanksgiving and Praise to God – He is My Help and Strength
This was one of those days that I really needed help and strength to do what was right.  I wasn't[...]
Thanksgiving and Praise To God – The Righteous Shall Flourish
Here's a good thing to praise the Lord for!  In old age we can be fat and flourishing.  Awesome -[...]
Thanksgiving and Praise to God – Jesus Is Always The Same
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! (Hebrews 13:8) Thanks be to God for this!  We never have[...]
Thanksgiving and Praise to God – Humility Brings Gladness
There are just too many things to praise God for if we would just take a moment to stop and[...]
Come To Christ Without Delay
Do you make it a priority to pray that your children and grandchildren will come to Christ without delay?  We[...]
Do Children Need the Gospel?
Do children really need the gospel?  How exciting and wonderful was the birth of our children and our grandchildren!  They[...]
GOD IS – Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren
GOD IS! What do you tell your children and/or grandchildren when they ask you about God? One of the first[...]
God Loves You More Than Anyone – Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren
Would you, could you believe that God loves you more than anyone else and will never leave you if you[...]
Are you a walker? 20 Ways to Walk
Are you a walker?  Do you like to walk for exercise or do you make yourself walk because you know[...]
We must exalt Him! Only He is worthy to receive glory and honor and power
How much do we really exalt the Lord? It matters not how great you are, whether you are a mighty[...]
Facing Troublesome Times – Twelve Verses to Help – Free Printable
Troublesome times are facing us now. And as troublesome as they may be, we can be and we should be[...]
The Burden of Ninevah
Many know the story of Jonah and his journey to Nineveh to proclaim the gospel.  Nineveh was very wicked at[...]
One night after dark, a religious Jewish leader came to see Jesus.  He said to Jesus, no one can do[...]
Hudson Taylor: Saved By a Tract
Are tracts useful?  Yes!  Here is a true story of what a tract can do from Moments with the Book[...]
Come To The Light
For many of us lately, our days have been dark, depressive, and maybe full of worry, fear, and anxiety.  Well,[...]
Let all the earth … PRAISE HIM!
According to Psalm 148, all the earth should praise the Lord.  Everyone and everything from the heavens  and from the[...]
The Path of the Just – Are you on it?
Are you on the path of the just?  There are only two paths in this world, one that is broad[...]
Freedom – What is True Freedom?
Since this is Independence month in the USA, the Lord led me to do a little word study on freedom. [...]
When will things OPEN?
Are you a little uptight?  Maybe a little antsy?  Wondering when things will all be back to normal and life[...]
Eight Things To Do In Any Time Of Trial
This is quite a story!  I'm not sure I could endure the trials that this man endured. You won't want[...]
Wisdom Speaks: Life Lessons from Proverbs
Proverbs is a favorite book and one that you could read every day.  In fact, since there are 31 chapters,[...]
It’s Not Always About You
A family member of mine who recently returned home from Afghanistan told me of how God spoke to his heart[...]
Last night I had a dream.  We had started a fire to burn some brush.  I really don’t remember all[...]
In Him was life and the life was the light of men. John 1:4 Joining with Five Minute Friday Link[...]
Relief – Be Relieved Today Through Him
Ah, relief! This is how I often feel after a busy week of running here and there and it has[...]
10 Ways To Grow Your Faith This Year
2.  Have a Bible Reading/Study plan - A good study Bible may help you as you dig into God's Word!2[...]
Is the Lord Your Strength and Your Shield?
Psalms 28:7  The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore[...]
I can rest in the fact that the gospel is right from the beginning!  Yes, that's right, it is in [...]
The word for Five MInute Friday is CHALLENGE.  I've joined in with them this week. START It is certainly a[...]
And Their Eyes Were Opened
Have your eyes been opened as to who God is?  How much time have you really spent in getting to[...]
Do’s and Don’ts of the Christian Life
Do this, don't do this!  Unfortunately, there are many even in Christianity who tell us we must do and don't[...]
School Should Begin At Home
It's Back to School Time ... Public School, Private School, or Home School?  Which one?  Only you and the Lord[...]
Drinking Wine and Alcohol – Yes or No?
I'm really not a fan of writing on this subject, but lately the sin of drunkenness has come up in[...]
If Thou Hast Nothing To Pay
What happens if you find yourself in a bind one day and you have no way of paying something you[...]
Do You Really Stop to Think About Who God Is?
Oh Lord, Thou art God!  Do I really stop to think about who God is!  I really need to Be[...]
Are You A Writer?
Do you like to write?  Sometimes I do.  Sometimes I go more on my feelings; I just scribble things down[...]
Have You Been Delivered From The Power Of Darkness?
Have you been delivered from the power of darkness?  You can be. We are all under the power of darkness. [...]
Journal As You Read God’s Word
As I read God's Word each day, I keep an open journal in front of me.  I started this several[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths into my Granchildren – Vengeance belongs to the Lord
Vengeance belongs to the Lord only.  How often we want to take matters in our own hands.  We become angry[...]
What Have You Said Thank You For Today? A Thankful Challenge
What have you said thank you for today?  We ought to be thankful every day to the Lord.  Because this[...]
Our Effectual Prayer should be Made Known unto God
Our Effectual Prayer should be Made Known unto God.  What is your prayer life like?  Are you continually bringing your[...]
7 Lessons from the life of Mannaseh
What lessons do you learn from God's Word?  God's Word is the mirror of truth.  If one looks into it[...]
How Many Days Do You Have Left On This Earth?
 How many days do you have left on earth?  None of us can answer that question, but we all know[...]
Have You Thought Of Asking A Hard Thing From The Lord Today?
What are you asking from the Lord today? Have you thought of asking Him a hard thing? Remember nothing is[...]
The Gospel Through Videos
Kids love videos and so do adults for that matter.  What a great way to share the gospel with them. [...]
Awesome Products That Can Be Used To Share The Gospel
There are some awesome products that can be used to share the gospel.  I have used a gospel bracelet in[...]
Stories that Only God Can Write – Use Them to Instill the Gospel Into Your Grandchildren
Tell me the stories of Jesus, write on my heart every word, tell me the stories most precious,  sweetest that[...]
Don’t Fall For The Devil’s Lies – The Truth Can Set You Free!
You definitely cannot do this!  You are just not good enough at it.  You totally just don't get it.  You'll[...]
So Many Ways to use The Wordless Book Gospel Colors To Instill The Gospel Plus a Free Printable
Grandparents, here is a wonderful way to connect with your grandchilren.  We should make it a point to find creative[...]
Sharing the gospel with my grandchildren through Salvation Bible Verses PLUS A Free Printable
Jesus said Let the little children to come unto me. Don’t stop them. For of such is the kingdom of[...]
Instilling the Gospel Into My Grandchildren – Introduction
Parents and Grandparents, are you making it a point to instill the gospel into the hearts, souls, and minds of[...]
Can You Imagine Surviving The War Under Hitler?
It is hard to imagine trying to survive. At least for me it is because I've never been there.  Well[...]
Four Exciting Applicable Truths From The Life Of Noah
The life of Noah is another exciting and intense story.  It is amazing that he could preach for 120 years[...]
Six Ways to Lead Your Family Biblically
Do you ever wonder how you can lead your family and direct them in the Lord? Deuteronmy 6 offers some[...]
Encountering Jesus – Have you personally encountered Jesus?
Encountering Jesus as a baby or child face to face would have definitely been a unique and glorious experience.  I[...]
Speak Lord For Your Servant Hears
Speak Lord for they servant heareth.  These were the words Eli told Samuel to say the next time he heard[...]
One Little Sin – Is It So Bad?
OnI've been so disheartened lately as I've heard of so many and even know personally quite a few that have[...]
Where Is Your Dwelling Place?
Where is Your Place? Do you have a quiet place to start your day or where you can retreat to[...]
Did you ever think about the fact that it was God who sent Joseph to Egypt?
This fact just struck me this morning while I was reading in Psalm 105. It was God who sent Joseph[...]
How Do You Deal With The Messiness Of Life? Here are 3 Biblical Ways
I look around my office today and see so much messiness as I continue to declutter,  Boy is it taking[...]
7 Ways That Can Help Us DecLuTter Our Hearts
Lately I've been doing some decluttering around the house. But I have also felt like my Spiritual house needs decluttering too.[...]
Faith in Crisis – What would I do if my faith was in a crisis?
What would I do if my faith was in a crisis?  I mean a real crisis!  What if I was[...]
What Do I Want To Leave My Children and Grandchildren? Riches in Christ and a Godly Legacy
What do I want to leave my children and grandchildren when I leave this present world? It would be nice[...]
Are You Doing All For The Glory Of God?
Well it happened again.   Just as this memory verse challenge went up, I was already thinking and meditating on[...]
Lord, will you show yourself real to me?
I was awake the other night during sleeping hours (not something unusual) so I began talking to the Lord.  (AFF[...]
Are You Seeking God With Your Whole Heart?
Am I really seeking God with my whole heart? I've been meditating on Psalm 119:10-11.    These are already familiar verses[...]
Where Does Your Faith Stand?
True faith can never come from the wisdom of men.  It can only stand on the Word of God; God's[...]
ADORNED – Living Out The Beauty Of The Gospel Together-A Book Review
ADORNED has this definition:   Decked; decorated; embellished. ADORN has this definition: to deck, or beautify, to dress, set off, extol, furnish. 1.[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – God Always Makes A Way To Escape Temptation
Instill this truth into the lives of your grandchildren.  God ALWAYS makes a way of escape when it comes to[...]
Four Good Ways to Start the New Year
So, it's another New Year!  As we look back and reflect upon this past year, many of us are thinking[...]
Lessons From the Wise Men – Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren
Christmas is never over for God's children!  I love to read Christmas events from the Word of God in the[...]
The Best Gift Ever!
Merry Christmas!  The Best Gift Ever is freely offered to all who will take it!
Sabbatical of the Mind – A Book Review
What is a Sabbatical? It is a rest from work, or a break, often lasting from two months to a[...]
The Little Red Spinning Wheel-Instilling Biblical Truths into My Grandchildren
The Little Red Spinning Wheel There it was, the Little Red Spinning Wheel!  It was just what any little girl[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – You Cannot Out Give God!
Can  you out give God?  Do you know anyone that has?  I doubt it.  No one can out give God.[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths into My Grandchildren – One Thing Is Needful
Thanksgiving again!  My how the years come and go so quickly.  I know I say that often, but it still[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths into My Grandchildren – We Need Not Fret in this Evil Day
Fret Not God's Word tells us!  Fret not because of evil doers! Don't let the work of those who do[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths into My Grandchildren – Jesus IS Coming Again!
Jesus IS coming again!  Don't ever let anyone tell you different!  No man knows the day nor the hour, but it[...]
Instililling Biblical Truths into My Grandchildren – Singing/Music is important
Singing is something several of my grandchildren love to do.  I love to hear the little ones sing Jesus Loves[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths into My Grandchildren – Trust and Obey = Gods’ Blessings
Trust and Obey is a life long learning experience for all of us!  Why is it so hard to do[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – Jesus will NEVER Leave You
It's so simple and it will never change. You can always depend on the Lord. Jesus will always be there[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – What is your Greatest Desire?
What's your greatest desire?  Money? Fame? Fun? Happiness? Friends?  All of the mentioned and more? What would you put on the[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – You can serve the Lord at any age
Serve the Lord!  No matter how young or how old you are, spend your days in service for the Lord.[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – God has a special purpose for you
Purpose in life is most likely something that every human being desires.  The devil is good at telling lies and[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths into my Grandchildren – Wisdom comes from Knowing God’s Word – Free Printable
Wisdom was a characteristic of my dad; in fact he was one of the wisest persons I knew.  I looked[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – God Loves All, but does not leave the guilty unpunished
God loves me!  And God loves you!  Everyone has a desire to be loved, but there are many many in[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths into my Grandchildren – The fool hath said in his heart there is no God
Can you remember times when you were told, that's a foolish thing to do?  Or why did you do something[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths into my Grandchildren – We are all sinners in need of a Savior
Yes, I want to go to heaven , don't you?  This was often the conversation of myself and a childhood[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – All Life is for God’s Glory
All life is for God's glory. Instill this into the minds of your grandchildren.   God Himself, the one who[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – The Bible is Your Sole Authority for Life
The sole authority for anyone's life ought to be the Bible and this is something I need to instill into[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – A Great Challenge!
Here is a challenge which I needed for my own life - that is the challenge of what truths (Here's One!)[...]
Who doesn't love to get mail?  Well, mail that is personal anyway and has good news and is encouraging.  I[...]
Path – Which one are you on?
All of us are on a path.  Some are on the path of life and some are on the path[...]
7 Ways To Help A Fellow Believer In Prison
Do you know someone in bonds? Do you have a loved one or a friend living out a sentence in Prison?[...]
Lift – Lift Up Others
LIFT - Oh how I want to be lifted to higher heights. One day I will be lifted from this[...]
9 Lessons – Israelites at War With Amalek
Recently, I wrote about lessons on the Rock of Horeb.  The war with the Amalekites is in the same chapter[...]
7 Lessons from the Rock of Horeb
How exciting it was as I studied a Sunday School Lesson for children on the Rock of Horeb. (Exodus 17)[...]
Happy-Are You Truly Happy?
  Psalms 144:15 . . . yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD. This verse came to mind[...]
10 Lessons Grandma learned from the Littles
This grandma was privileged to go on an outing with a couple of her grand littles.  It is amazing what[...]
What do you think of when you think of the word Hidden?  Have you hidden the Word of God in[...]
7 Inspiring Lessons from the Life of Mary
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is such a godly example to all of us!  There are so many things we can[...]
Well, I'm a little late with Five Minute Friday, but I still wanted to join in as this word has[...]
Christian, Are You Living By Jesus’ Example?
Christian, Are you living by Jesus' Example for it is the best way to live your Christian Life?  One could[...]
Create – The Great Creator
Create is the topic this week for Five Minute Friday.  What comes into your mind when you think of the word[...]
Build – Who is building your house?
What Kind of House are you building?     The only way we can build a house is to let[...]
22 Blessings from Trusting God According to Proverbs 3
Blessings from the Lord is something that probably everyone would desire?  Don't we all love to be blessed? What a[...]
Protect – Under His Wings
Lord, please protect us on the road, please protect us in this activity, please protect my husband and work, please[...]
10 Great Ways to Meditate On God’s Word
Meditating on God's Word is something every child of God ought to do and yet I know I don't do[...]
Why won’t the Lord answer my prayers?
Why won't the Lord answer my prayers?   Maybe you have fervently prayed about something, but it seems as if[...]
How the story of Blind Bartamaeus teaches us how to be Saved
The story of Blind Bartamaeus teaches us how to be saved. This is yet another precious picture of how to get saved.  Yes,[...]
5 Significant lessons from the life of Hannah
While studying the Word of God I learned five significant lessons from the life of Hannah. These were lessons that I[...]
How Can I Give the LORD Glory?
Psalms 96:8 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name. . . To whom do you give glory?[...]
Jesus is for all
Jesus is for all, yes for all!  That includes anybody.  Oh, there are many many people who think Jesus is[...]
The Model Couple
The Model Couple - who do you think that is?  There are probably several, but perhaps the ultimate model couple[...]
The Holy Spirit is the Gift of Gifts – 36 Reasons Why
The Holy Spirit is a wonderful gift from God.  As Wesley states, "the Holy Spirit is the best of gifts[...]
Prayer – 10 Prompts for Saturday
How's Your Prayer Life?   Are You entering into your prayer closet daily?  Why is it that prayer often seems[...]
How to be Truly Satisfied with Life
Satisfied with life is something that probably everyone craves. People want satisfaction.  At least I know I do.  There have[...]
Ten Choices That Will Make Your Life Successful
Do you want to make choices that will make you successful?  You Can.  We all can. So how does one[...]
He is able! God is able! Yes, He is able – I am not able, but He is! What a[...]
Inner City Ministry – Is this the ministry for you?
  If you think inner city ministry is for you then I hope you will read the following letter: Dear[...]
What If? What if you do these following things?
What If?  Oh how I want to shout out these truths to my grandchildren.  What if you do these following[...]
Inner City Ministry – An often unlovely ministry – can you love the unlovely?
My husband and I have been privileged to work with my son in an inner city ministry.  When interviewing my[...]
12 Things That Are Definitely God’s Will For Your Life
God's Will for your Life - What is it?  God's will is all throughout the Bible for the believer.  If[...]
My Prayers – Does the Lord Always Hear?
Does God always hear my prayers? My prayers - Does God hear always hear me?  I like to think so, but[...]
Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren –The Lord Guides and Orders Our Steps
Do you have a life verse?  There are so many verses I could choose as a life verse, but the[...]
GOD'S WAYS - WHAT ARE HIS WAYS FOR ME?  God's Ways, I really want to know what His ways are[...]
What Is At The Top Of Your To Do List – Free Bookmark
God's mercies are new every morning.  We can always begin afresh. Do you need a new beginning?  It is never[...]
Jesus Came for us – Why? – Here are five reasons
Here are just 5 reasons why Jesus came.  Do you ever think about why Jesus came to earth?  Take a[...]
God’s Great Mercy Should Bring Our Thanks
God's Mercy is Great! And in Psalm 136, we are reminded in every single verse how great His mercy is;[...]
God’s Holiness and Our Reaction
Many Christians seem to forget or just don't want to admit or think about the holiness of God.  Their famous[...]
Pleasures That Never End
The World seeks pleasures, fun, and entertainment continually.  As Christians, we too (or at least I) struggle with this.  One[...]
My God – Helper, Keeper, Protector
My God is my helper, keeper, and protector. The Lord is so many things to me!  His blessings cannot be[...]
The Great Shepherd – Reflecting on Psalm 23
Psalm 23 is a  very familiar to many and is a great passage to meditate and reflect upon.  These are[...]
Have You Seen The Lord Today?
Have you seen the Lord today?   Have you really seen the Lord?   Have you looked into His Word[...]
Choices – What Will Yours Be Today?
Every day we have to make choice.  What might some of your choices be today? We make simple choices daily:[...]
Here’s How To Know You Are Building A Strong And Beautiful House
When you think about building your house for God, What kind of a house are you building? Hezekiah was told[...]
Back to School with the Lord
Yeah, it's back to school time. Many have already gone back to school.  We always started back to school after[...]
16 Things You Need To Remember
There are things you need to remember every day of your lives. For instance, if you have started back to school,[...]
Here’s how you can have 5 free gifts!
What do you consider one of the best gifts ever?  The following list represents a list of  things one would[...]
What is your favorite Gift?
What is your Favorite Gift?   Everybody loves to receive gifts, especially if it is something you really want or[...]
God’s Plan of Salvation
GOD'S PLAN OF SALVATION Do you know God's plan of salvation?  There is only one way. Jesus said in  John 14:6,[...]
5 Ways to Live a Joyful Abundant Life
Do you have a joyful life?  Or do you often live a life of defeat, of fruitlessness and frustration?  Do[...]
The enemy seeks our souls every day
The enemy seeks our souls every day! We are often so busy and unaware that the enemy is continually surrounding[...]
12 Thursday Prayer Prompts
Thursday Prayer Prompts Many of us have heard of others doing a Thankful Thursday.  What a great way to start[...]
Grandparents, Share Your Personal Salvation Testimony as a Story and Make Wonderful Memories For Your Grandchildren
Hearing personal testimonies of how others got saved is always a delight to me!  Don't you just love to hear[...]
Consider Your Ways
Have you read the book of Haggai?  Read the first chapter and find the word consider.  It's there three times! [...]
Are you Ready? Ready for what?
ARE YOU READY?  Ready for what you say?  There are many things we should be ready or prepared for.  [...]
Where are your eyes fastened today? Here’s a day when all eyes were fastened on Jesus, but why?
Where are your eyes fastened today? And for what reason are they fastened there? When Jesus was in the synagogue[...]
Set Apart for God?
Are you set apart for God?  What does that really mean?  Here is the meaning of set apart according to Webster's[...]
Get My Mother In
Are you the preacher?    Won't you come down and get my mother in, a little girl once asked a[...]
How To Be Saved
Dear Friend, if you don't know how to be saved, now is the time to find out.  It is a[...]
Music Philosophy in a Nutshell
A Child of God ought to have a music philosophy.   It does not have to be complicated, but it[...]
30 Lessons on Wisdom from Proverbs 3
Below is a list of lessons on wisdom that one could learn from Proverbs, chapter 3.  While making this list,[...]
The Three Crosses
Three Crosses?  You may have heard about Jesus dying on the center cross, but have you ever wondered why there[...]
Effectual Prayer Avails Much
Effectual Prayer Avails Much This is a sponsored post with affiliate links Effectual prayer: what is effectual prayer?  Does it[...]
9 Characteristics of a Christian’s Music
I have been privileged to listen and sit under the influence of Dr. Don Scovill, a man who loves God[...]
7 ways to have a Beautiful Garden
It's that time of year again!   SPRING!   I love spring; everything starts to turn green,  the daffodils start peeking out, [...]
Could I Be a Martyr for Christ?
As things seem to worsen in our country and Christians are now under attack for their faith and beliefs, I[...]
How to “feel better” Physically and Spiritually
The winter months always seem to be "sick seasons"; lots of colds, flu, and respiratory illnesses seem to be every[...]
Do or Done? What should we do to inherit eternal life?
Do or Done?  What is the answer when it comes to eternal life?  Is there something we need to do or[...]
A Right Way and a Wrong Way, but only One Way
A Right Way and a Wrong Way to Live Living according to Psalm 1 is the right way to live. [...]
TO DO: What’s on your Daily List?
When a new year comes we are often thinking about reorganizing and what our new to do lists (aff. link)[...]
Four Attitudes a Christian should have
These were notes I took from a guest speaker one Sunday morning.  What kind of attitude do we have in[...]
Somebody Loves You!
Isn't it nice to know that somebody loves you?  With Valentine's Day coming soon, we think lots about being loved[...]
Do you consider yourself a Prosperous Christian?
What is true prosperity?  Do you consider yourself a prosperous Christian?  God says that Joseph was prosperous even in bondage,[...]
Which Way Will You Enter Eternity?
Where are you going to be in the morning or in the next five minutes? None of us know the[...]
Inner City Youth Ministry – an interview on the subject of inner city ministry
Have you ever thought you might be interested in working with inner city youth?  Below is an interview with a[...]
Heaven or Hell, the Choice is Yours!
Heaven or Hell, which would you choose? My husband and I were looking at pictures of the volcano that took[...]
How To Be Saved From God’s Wrath
How to be saved from God's Wrath
A Widow’s Christmas – Your  Christmas Will Be Sad,” Somebody Said,
Are you facing a difficult year this Christmas season?  Perhaps, you have recently lost a loved one or you are[...]
Do You Worship The Babe In The Manger, But Reject the Christ of the Cross?
Sometimes I have to ask myself the question, who do you worship?  I love Christmas and I really want my[...]
One Door and Only One
There is only One Door to Heaven - Jesus is that door; He is the only door to heaven.  There[...]
One Birthday that will last forever
Do you know that you can have one birthday that will last forever? It seem as though we always have[...]
16 Things I learned from the cleansing of the ten lepers
The story of the ten lepers would be a great one to use at Thanksgiving time. It's a great story[...]
Sunrise, Sunset
How swiftly the days go by!  Sunrise to sunset, day after day!  The words to the song below a good reminder[...]
Serving God – Others or Our Own First?
Now that our nest is empty, I often think I need to do so many "things" to be serving the[...]
Effectual Prayer – The Prayer of Jabez – free printable
For What Did Jabez Pray? What was his effectual prayer? God's Blessing God's Enlargement of his coast God;s leading -[...]
The Happy Person – 15 Bible Verses on Happiness
What person doesn't want to be happy? True happiness can only be found in the Lord Jesus.  Here are 15[...]
Is Your Walk with the Lord a Diligent Walk? Six Ways to have a Diligent Walk With The Lord
Webster's Dictionary defines DILIGENT as - Steady in application to business; constant in effort or exertion to accomplish what is[...]
What Does Following Jesus Mean To You?
What does following Jesus mean to you?  I need to identify with the principles that marked His life. According to[...]
LISTEN and OBEY God’s Word, Then REAP the Benefits
When there are troublesome times,  do you worry and fret?  We are certainly living in troublesome times now and if[...]
Do you smell something good? Offering Sweet Incense To The Lord
Smell goods!  Mm-mm,  aren't they nice?  It's always nice to smell something good!  Coffee in the morning,  a sweet smelling[...]
A Christmas Activity and a way to give the Gospel
Did you read the story of the Candy Cane?  Well, here is a Christmas activity you can do with that[...]
No Man Cared For My Soul, But Jesus Does!
I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared[...]
…In Everything by prayer…with Thanksgiving…
In God's Word, it says, in everything by prayer . . .  with Thanksgiving.  We even need to consider little[...]
Lift Up Your Heads; Is today the day?
Yes, lift up your heads!  It could be today!  Jesus is coming soon.  One day Jesus will come again in the[...]
Never take your blessings for granted
How easy it is to take our daily blessings for granted!  God is so good to me and all of[...]
A Window of Time and a True Story
A few years ago my mother-in-law was in an accident.  She accidentally forgot to put her car in park when[...]
Only Jesus Can Satisfy
Only Jesus can truly satisfy your soul.   Psalms 107:8-9  Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and[...]
God Hath Dealt Graciously With Me!
Each day brings God's New Mercies. How Gracious He is! Lamentations 3:22-23  It is of the LORD'S mercies that we[...]
Are you Obeying God’s Orders?
It is up to each on of us to obey the orders of the Lord. Obedience will bring blessing. Obey[...]
Characteristics of a Godly Person
  Psalms 15:1-5   LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?  He that walketh[...]
The Miracle and Celebration of Life – Five Miracles of Life
The Miracle and Celebration of Life - Five Miracles of Life There are many miracles in the Bible, but this[...]
Can you Wait and Not Be Patient?
Psalms 40:1 I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. Can I wait[...]
Are You Ready for Eternity?
Dear Friend, Have you thought about your eternal soul lately?  Please don't delay.   Are You Ready For Eternity?    Death[...]
Five More Lessons From The Life Of Jonah
Chapter 4 of Jonah brings us even more lessons from his life.  Have you learned any new ones?  Jonah sulks[...]
Four More Lessons from the Life of Jonah
The lessons we learn from the life of Jonah are many. What lessons have you learned? Jonah Preaches At Nineveh[...]
Seven More Lessons From The Life Of Jonah
I love the story of Jonah, but I pray that I'm not like him.  There are So many lessons we[...]
Seven Lessons from the Life of Jonah
There are so many lessons from the Life of Jonah.  Here are seven of them. Jonah 1:1-3  Now the word[...]
Prayer – Asking and Receiving
Have you come to the throne of God with your prayer requests today? Prayer is asking and receiving. Ask according[...]
The Prayer That Makes A Difference
 "The Prayer That Makes A Difference"   This is an excellent book and will encourage you in your prayer life.[...]
Are You A Saint?
Here is a good acrostic on what it means to be a Saint.  So if you are not sure if[...]
Christ is Mighty to Save!
Believer, here is encouragement. Art thou praying for some beloved one? Oh, give not up thy prayers, for Christ is[...]
What Does Christmas Really Mean? Here’s the True Meaning
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him[...]
Realize we are in The Weaver’s Hands – He Knows the Outcome!
We need to realize that we are in the The Weaver's Hands.  He alone knows the outcome of our life's[...]
Whip-poor-will Song (I Give You Freedom)
Whip-poor-will Song - also known as I Give You Freedom Whip-poor-will Song written by Al Smith, (check our some of his[...]
Fire! Warning and Destruction. . .
There was a fire at our house two days ago!  It took us quite by surprise!  We are grateful that[...]
All Is Well!
  "I hear a sweet voice ringing clear, 'All is well!' It is my Father's voice I hear, All is[...]
With whom do you spend the most time?
With whom do you spend the most time? Last weekend, my son's family was out of town.  He came over[...]
15 Ways God is my Deliverer
I'm so glad that God is my deliverer.  David too realized that God was His deliverer.  The ultimate way He[...]
Have You Ever Had A Snake In Your House Or A Snake In Your Closet?
My son recently found a snake in his front room closet; it was a black snack gratefully.  However, he probably[...]
Goodbye - not a hard word when you know you will see someone again at the end of the day[...]
Cleaning Around the Stuff
  Today I found myself quite frustrated as I tried to clean around all hubby's stuff.  You see, he is[...]
Meditating on and Memorizing Scripture
Meditating on and Memorizing Scripture Are you meditating on and memorizing Scripture on a regular basis?   I came across[...]
Run, Run, Run! Beating the Train
As my friend and I were taking a walk one day, we heard a train whistle in the distance and[...]
The Valley of the Shadow of Death
A friend that had cancer has passed away.  She was young, in her 30’s.  She leaves behind a husband and[...]
4 Things We Ought To Be
As a Christian there are lots of things we ought to be. Read God's Word Daily and there is always something[...]
Which is the better choice
When it comes to choices in this life, which would your consider the better of these two? The Pleasure of[...]
Burdens–A gift from God?
Can burdens be a gift from God?  Maybe so.  They teach us to obey by casting those burdens on the[...]
Wait, Run, Walk–all at once?
Did you ever realize that we are to wait, run, and walk all at the same time? Isaiah 40:31  But[...]
The Greatest Man in History
Whom do you consider to be the greatest man in History?   The greatest person who ever lived is described[...]
A Thanksgiving Story
This is a Thanksgiving Story, not true, but true to life.  It is actually a Thanksgiving Story made into a[...]
Treasures From God’s Word
Isn’t it wonderful to be able to find treasures from God’s word no matter what day or time you look[...]
Mercy Immeasurable
Psalms 103:11  For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear[...]
Ask a Hard Thing
Have I thought to ask a  hard thing of the Lord today?  Do I really believe that He can answer a request that[...]
What Will You Do As A Christian In Your Daily Walk With The Lord? – Six “I Wills” from Psalm 101
What will you do as a Christian in your daily walk with the Lord?  Read the Psalm below to see[...]
If Sin Entices Thee, Consent Thou Not!
Oh the greatness of our sin!  Oh the woe it should bring to our hearts!  Oh that we would not[...]
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
God is so good.  I must remember that God is good all the time no matter the circumstances.  My son[...]
Seven Ways to be Satisfied in Life
Do you find yourself unsatisfied with life? Do you want a life that is satisfying, one that brings true satisfaction? [...]
How to be Content – Ten Bible Verses to Help You Be Content In The New Year
Contentment, are you content?  I like to think that I am a content person and really I think much of[...]
Abundant Life for All!
Jesus came to give abundant life! This gift is for all who believe.   "That whosoever believeth in him should[...]
Day Is Dying in the West
Do we really realize that day is dying in the west?  Life is short and we could go at any[...]
Pray about Everything
How important to pray about everything! The little testimony below reveals to us that we ought to pray about everything[...]