How Do You Deal With The Messiness Of Life? Here are 3 Biblical Ways
I look around my office today and see so much messiness as I continue to declutter, Boy is it taking a long time and will still be a long time!
Right now this is how I feel about my devotional life – it is messy, just plain messy! It need so much work on decluttering.
In my office I have so much STUFF! Most of it I don’t need and much of it is not “bad stuff”. In fact there is a lot of “good stuff”. It is just not relevant to me right now. I would love to find someone who would buy the really good stuff and then take the rest of the good stuff if they are in a place to use it. After all I don’t want to clutter someone else’s life as mine is right now.
More than likely all the stuff will end up going to a thrift store – I can only pray that the right person will find it. May it be someone who needs it for their place of ministry. I hope it is someone who is so happy to find a lot of work already done for them and that can be used for the glory of God.
Most of my “stuff” is visualized songs, Bible lessons and Sunday School curriculum. So I’m praying that just the right person will find it. There have been times that I’ve gone into a thrift store and was blessed to find resources like these, so I know the Lord can bless someone else in the same way.
You may be wondering why I don’t need these things for myself. Right now we’re at a point in life where the Lord is redirecting our steps. There is a different path He wants us to follow. So I have no regrets in disposing of all this material. Really I hope I’m not disposing of it, but just redirecting it into the hands of the right person.
But when I clean out some of this “stuff”, I am also saddened in a way. Why? Because I am remembering:
- the hard work, the hours, the expense that I put into a lot of this material
- the prayer behind each lesson for wisdom and guidance as I used it to teach and train children in the gospel of Jesus Christ
- the children who heard each story, sang each song – do they remember any of it? Have seeds been planted? Oh I would love to see and hear someday that everyone of these children have been saved and are living for the Lord! *I do praise the Lord that I was able to teach some of my own grandchildren using much of this material. I look forward to each one of them trusting Christ as their Savior and desiring to live for Him.
Well, how did I even get here? Just talking about messiness I guess. My prayer is that the Lord will help me to get the messes out of my life, whether they be spiritual or physical messes. Anything that does not bring glory to my Lord is a mess in my life and needs to be out. May He give me discernment as I continue to declutter my home and my heart. And may Jesus be praised through all of it! Here are some ways you can do a “Spiritual Declutter”
Here are three great ways to deal with the messiness of life:
- Admit first of all that you have a mess in your life, no matter what kind it is. We’re all born a mess, that is we are all born sinners so our lives are already in a mess. Without Jesus, they would stay that way no matter what we do. There is nothing we can do rescue ourselves from this predicament. But Jesus can bring us up out of the miry clay and set our feet on THE ROCK.
- Jesus can help us to deal with any mess. He has the answer to every mess that comes up in our life.
- Once resolved, continue on that road. Daily ask the Lord to keep you out of messes, to help you keep your life from constant clutter, whether it be clutter in your heart or clutter in your home, or clutter in extended areas of your life. Commit your ways to Him, let Him establish your thoughts and bring each issue to pass.