How Many Bible Couples Can You Match In This Valentine Game?
Since it’s Valentine Season, let’s think about couples in the Bible. Here’s a game to see how many couples you can match up. There are some that may be a little difficult but it is a great little game that you could use at your ladies fellowship, a valentine banquet, or even in a family party.
Match the Bible Couples Game
This game includes a list of 38 couples (read about the model couple here) in the Bible. How many husbands and wives can you match up? Answers are included. If you’d like a free printable of the game for your own use, you can use the sign up form below to get the game in PDF form. I’d love to know how you did? There are some really hard ones in my opinion. Enjoy!
Note: This post may contain affiliate links to product I use and products I would recommend. Here is my disclosure.
Here is your sign up form for the free printable Game.
Fill in the information and you should be directed to the game.
Note: A thank you will pop up first. Don’t close your browser too quickly. Give it a few seconds and the game should open for you to download. Be sure to let me know if there is a problem.
If you still need some valentine gifts:
Valentine Gift Ideas
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