If God were not slow to anger
Sometimes slow is good. Praise God that He is slow to anger.
If God were not slow to anger:
- I may have not had the chance to trust Him as My Savior
- I would already be in my grave
- Many in the Bible would have been wiped out. For instance:
- Lot
- The Israelites in Egypt
- Ninevah
- Saul/Paul
- And the list could go on
- We would not know His mercies that are new every morning
- We may not see family and friends come to know Jesus who we have prayed for
- We would not learn ourselves how important it is be slow to get angry and not let the sun go down upon our wrath
One Day
One day, however, God will no longer be slow to wrath for this world will end, judgment will come, and those who don’t know Christ will face His wrath.