Instilling Biblical Truths into My Grandchildren – One Thing Is Needful
Thanksgiving again! My how the years come and go so quickly. I know I say that often, but it still never ceases to amaze me. I don’t really know why it amazes me though because the Bible is clear when it says our lives are but vapors that appear for a while and then vanish away. How important to redeem the time.
Yes, Thanksgiving again and time to get busy with all the festivities, etc. I have mixed feelings about this time of the year. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love it in many ways. I love my dear family and all my 19 grandchildren (15 of them live close by) So I am often full time grand mothering 🙂 But that’s a good thing! And a great blessing!
So what happens at your house during the holiday season?
Mine is often like this. OK, it’s upon us again. I need to get the meal planned and ask my husband to do a devotional and have some games ready to play with everyone. These things are all well and good and we enjoy them so much. But as I was dwelling on Martha and Mary
this past week, I was reminded that I am often cumbered about with much serving, and doing, and planning, etc.
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Luke 10:39 But Martha was cumbered about much serving
I get worn down and will tend to complain and wonder how I am ever going to get it all done. Yes, I’m cumbered about. I needed to ponder that one, because I have never thought myself to be a cumbered about person, but in reality I was being one.
Really, do we have to have a gigantic feast? It takes so much time and takes away from the good part that Mary experienced. It often causes me to neglect or shorten my time with the Lord because I have so much to do. Oh, there is nothing wrong with serving others; I’m not even suggesting that. But what I do need to ingrain into my own heart and soul and into the lives of my grandchildren is that ONE THING IS NEEDFUL- YES, JUST ONE THING! That one things is spending time at the feet of Jesus and sharing it with others. Put the others things on the back burner. Don’t neglect the Lord. Ever!
Instead of feasting on food and fun, let’s feast on the Lord and His goodness and provision.
Don’t leave it out. It’s important every day of our lives, not just the holiday season, but every day. It is the one needful thing in our lives.
Luke 10:42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part
Yes, enjoy Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, all the wonderful times with your family, all the food and fun and fellowship; These things are important, but don’t let them bog you down so that your focus on the Lord is lost. Teach your grandchildren by example that one thing is needful; make that choice as Mary did every day to choose the good part.
Serious godliness is a needful thing, it is the one thing needful; for nothing without this will do us any real good in this world, and nothing but this will go with us into another world. – M. Henry
I am posting a series on 31 Biblical Truths to teach your grandchildren. You can begin the series Here. You can also sign up below to get a list of all of them along with a free 31 day devotional Ebook.