Instilling Biblical Truths Into My Grandchildren – A Great Challenge!
Here is a challenge which I needed for my own life – that is the challenge of what truths (Here’s One!) do I really want to instill into the lives of my grandchildren? The only real source of truth is God’s Word. He is truth and it is from His Word I must draw these truths and know them in my own heart so that I can teach them diligently to my grandchildren. (You can actually read some Biblical Truths here that my grandchildren taught me)

God Can do exceeding abundant above all I ask or think
Oh, how I want to be a Godly grandmother and oh how I want my grandchildren to know God and be more godly than I could even think. I am reminded that He can do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. He can instill a desire in my grandchildren to know Him and want to be like Him. It can start right here by sharing and instilling Biblical truths into their hearts, souls, and minds.
Yes, I have made a list, but really the truths we get from God’s Word are never ending! In fact this is a great “to do” list that is challenging all of us to take these truths to heart and instill them into the lives of our children and grandchildren.
Biblical Truths to Teach My Grandchildren:
- The Bible is our sole authority for life
- God is the creator of all
- All life is for God’s Glory
- God loves you more than anyone.
- We are all Sinners in Need of a Savior
- The Fool Says “There is No God” and “No God”
- God Loves All, but does not leave the guilty unpunished
- Wisdom Comes From Knowing God’s Word
- God has a Special Purpose for You
- You can Serve the Lord at any Age
- God’s Word is more to be desired than the finest gold
- Jesus Will Never Leave You
- You Can Talk To God At Any Time
- Trust and Obey = Gods’ Blessings
- You Cannot Get Away With Sin
- Singing/Music is Important
- Give Thanks in Everything for This is the Will of God
- Jesus is Coming Again!
- We Need Not Fret in this Evil Day
- The Praise Game
- One Thing Is Needful
- You Cannot Out Give God
- The Little Red Spinning Wheel
- Lessons From the Wise Men
- The Lord Guides and Orders Our Steps
- Fear Not and Yet Only Fear The Lord
- God Always Makes A Way To Escape Tempation
- It Is More Blessed To Give Than To Receive
- Sharing the gospel with my grandchildren through Salvation Bible Verses PLUS A Free Printable
- So Many Ways to use The Wordless Book Gospel Colors To Instill The Gospel Plus a Free Printable
- Stories that Only God Can Write – Use Them to Instill the Gospel Into Your Grandchildren
- 10 Ways God Shows His Great Love To Us PLUS a free printable
- The Gospel Through Videos
- Let The Little Children Come – Instilling The Gospel Into The Littles
- One Little Sin – Is It So Bad?
- You Can Live Forever
- Awesome Products to help share the gospel
- 12 Simple and Clever Ways to Share the Gospel With My Grandkids
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