Instilling the Gospel Into My Grandchildren – Introduction
Parents and Grandparents, are you making it a point to instill the gospel into the hearts, souls, and minds of your children and grandchildren? Oh how important it is for us to do that! I’ve seen so many children left to figure things out for themselves. It shouldn’t work that way.
God tells us to nurture them, to bring them up in the admonition of the Lord, to train them up in the way they should go, to teach them diligently. We need to do this. (I NEED to do this!) It is a matter of life or death!
I heard a story once of a child who was dying. At the time of death, this child did not know what was going to be his eternal destiny. He was fearful of dying and said to his parents – “You taught me how to live, but you didn’t teach me how to die”. I know not if this is true, but it is a great illustration.
(John 3:18) He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Oh what a tragedy if we allow their blood to be on our hands.
We can, if we choose, make it a point to find creative ways to instill the Gospel into the minds and hearts of our grandchildren. Here’s one way and here’s another. I’ll be elaborating on both of these in the future.
It doesn’t’ even have to be creative, just good old fashioned teaching The Truth (God’s Word) to our loved ones. Our families, our children, our grandchildren are the only “thing” we can take with us from the world when we enter eternity. Don’t you desire to have everyone of them spending forever with the Lord and you when you enter the presence of the Lord? I Do!
I am grateful that several of our 21 grandchildren by grace alone through Christ alone been called by The Great Shepherd into His fold. For these I desire that they grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
I can help them by instilling Biblical Truths into their hearts. I have written a series on instilling Biblical Truths into my Grandchildren that you can read here.
So come along with me in this series on different ways that are helpful to instill the gospel into my children and grandchildren.
As you follow along in this series and you too have a great way to share the gospel please leave a comment or contact me and let me know. Looking forward to seeing you for each post.
I have a Pinterest Board called Presenting the Gospel. I hope to add more posts to it in the future. You can see the board here.
Find a list here of More Posts on Instilling the Gospel Into My Grandchildren
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