June – July Family Update
Life Is a Vapor
We have already passed the 6 month point of 2012. I will never cease to be amazed at how fast the passing of time goes. God does not lie.Life is just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. May we busy about the Lord’s business since our time here is so short.
I have a niece that had her 40th birthday in May. That too is unbelievable. She was my flower girl in our wedding. We went to her house to celebrate. The celebration took place the last day of June since they too have had such a busy schedule.
I have a niece that had her 40th birthday in May. That too is unbelievable. She was my flower girl in our wedding. We went to her house to celebrate. The celebration took place the last day of June since they too have had such a busy schedule.
Independence Day
This week has been mixed up. We had church on Tuesday because Wednesday was the fourth. It made Wednesday feel like Saturday. Glad it wasn’t. I sure didn’t want to lose those other three days. 🙂 Besides that I needed the extra days as I had not felt well. When I don’t feel well, I just start counting my blessings. There are so many who feel much worse than I do. Even my own children have been going through some trials regarding their health. My son and daughter in law in Brazil have once again experience some trying times regarding their health. Esther got an eye infection, a very serious infection, and at first we did not know what the outcome might be, but praise the Lord they are able to get good doctors and after a few weeks her eye improved and she is now able to see out of it again. They have all had other health issues, including pneumonia, respiratory sickness for all of them, surgery for Judah ( you can read about that HERE) , neck injury for Jeremy due to a car accident and on and on the list goes, but God is merciful and know how many things/ trying times we need in our lives to help us keep our eyes on Him, to help us depend on Him. He is so gracious and merciful and praise the Lord, this world is not my home!
The fourth was a very busy day! We attended the annual fourth of July parade in the “big” town of Lattimore. Davd, MaryEllen, and the kids rode on a float for Walker Woodworking since that is where David worked. I was not quick enough to get a good picture so this was all I got, kind of a candid shot and David got cut out – oops.
The fourth was a very busy day! We attended the annual fourth of July parade in the “big” town of Lattimore. Davd, MaryEllen, and the kids rode on a float for Walker Woodworking since that is where David worked. I was not quick enough to get a good picture so this was all I got, kind of a candid shot and David got cut out – oops.
Mel III came with the kids to the parade. Jenny was not able to make it. Karrington had the best time collecting candy and putting it in her bag. But she did not want to share with Grandpa. You can see that in the video below. Every time a float came by she would hold her little hands out to ask for more. She wanted more, more and did not want to share. How much we are like that in our Spiritual lives. We want more more blessings, but do not want to share. Oh, may I have a heart for sharing the blessings of the Lord, especially the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
After the parade, we too JD and Kaylah to Columbus, NC, about 45 minutes away where Cross Roads Baptist Church was having games and also a gospel illusionist. MaryEllen asked us to take them because she took is going through some health difficulties and she was just too tired and weak to deal with it. We are praying that she finds some solutions to her problems. I too was weak after not feeling well this week, but I knew she felt worse and I knew the kids were looking forward to it. I asked the Lord for extra strength and He so graciously answered. He is so good to us. Every time I started to complain, I thought about the Israelites complaining and remembered that I should not complain about anything. Sometimes I think I am so good and not a murmurer because I don’t think all these “little” things really matter, but they do! I have to say Lord forgive me for complaining! You are my strength and my song! Ex 15:2 The LORD is my strength and song . . You can help me through each daily task or circumstance that comes my way!
Later that day we enjoyed family time at Stephen and Lauren’s eating, swimming (the kids) and just being together. And of course we topped off the day with the fireworks display in Mooresboro, NC. The fireworks were great! Praise the Lord for good entertainment and for the decent music that they actually put with the fire works once they finally got going. I can’t imagine what Heaven must be like if I think things like fireworks are beautiful.
Below is a little video clip of the parade. I wish they would put a marching band in it.
I “stole” a couple of Lauren’s pictures from her blog.
Later that day we enjoyed family time at Stephen and Lauren’s eating, swimming (the kids) and just being together. And of course we topped off the day with the fireworks display in Mooresboro, NC. The fireworks were great! Praise the Lord for good entertainment and for the decent music that they actually put with the fire works once they finally got going. I can’t imagine what Heaven must be like if I think things like fireworks are beautiful.
Below is a little video clip of the parade. I wish they would put a marching band in it.
I “stole” a couple of Lauren’s pictures from her blog.
Our lives could change in a moment – Are we doing what counts for eternity?
We have been blessed with good weather, though hot, while others around the country face dangerous fires, have lost homes and lands, and many were without power for days. I need to often remind myself, my life could change in a moment – Am I doing what counts for eternity! And you, are you doing what counts for eternity? Are you ready for eternity? Until we know Jesus Christ, we are all facing the fires of hell.
Brazil Bound
We are planning a fall trip to Brazil to see Jeremy, Esther and the kids. It still seems like a dream We have not seen them for 2 and 1/2 years. I sent in my documents for my visa and it came back in one week. What a blessing. Now to get over the fears of flying, TSA, language barriers, unsanitary conditions, driving in Brazil, and more – oh my, do I sound like a fearful person? You guessed it? I am praying that the Lord will dispel all of my fears. I am thankful the He cares and that I can cast all my cares on Him. 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Mel’s Heating and Air
The Lord continues to meet our need through Mel’s Heating and Air. Sometimes business is slow and other times, he gets calls one after another. Either way, the Lord is good and takes care of us. We are thankful for the work He has provided.
Spiritual Warfare
Oh how the devil and the flesh are fighting these days! There are so many things going on that cannot be discussed, but can only be brought to the throne of grace where we can come boldly and find grace to help in the time of need. Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Oh how I need to keep my eyes on the Lord, Oh, how I need to keep my tongue from evil and my lips that they speak no guile. Psalms 34:13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. May the Lord help me (us) to keep my eyes on Him and to be an encourager and not a discourager. We need the Lord! We need to live spirit- filled lives and walk in the steps of the Lord. Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
We are delighted over an answer to prayer regarding our son, Mel III. He has recently undergone some hard trials. There is too much to write about it here, but once again the devil fights to destroy us and to turn us away from the Lord. Praise the Lord once again for His goodness and for working in his life and the lives of all his family members. He just started a brand new job working as general director of the Cross Roads Rescue Mission in Shelby, NC. Working in this type of ministry has been his heart’s desire and the Lord has blessed by placing him right where he likes to be.
Last week his family was out of town while he stayed behind to work a couple of jobs. He spent the night with us one night and it was a blessing to have him around for a few hours on the next day. We talked a long time and it was like old times. What a big big blessing to have children who love you and talk to you. So fulfilling! I guess maybe God feels like that when we spend time with him just talking to him. He is the best listener ever yet if I really believed that I would do more of it. How fulfilled I am when I do do it! May I learn and desire to spend as much time as possible with my heavenly Father.
We are delighted over an answer to prayer regarding our son, Mel III. He has recently undergone some hard trials. There is too much to write about it here, but once again the devil fights to destroy us and to turn us away from the Lord. Praise the Lord once again for His goodness and for working in his life and the lives of all his family members. He just started a brand new job working as general director of the Cross Roads Rescue Mission in Shelby, NC. Working in this type of ministry has been his heart’s desire and the Lord has blessed by placing him right where he likes to be.
Last week his family was out of town while he stayed behind to work a couple of jobs. He spent the night with us one night and it was a blessing to have him around for a few hours on the next day. We talked a long time and it was like old times. What a big big blessing to have children who love you and talk to you. So fulfilling! I guess maybe God feels like that when we spend time with him just talking to him. He is the best listener ever yet if I really believed that I would do more of it. How fulfilled I am when I do do it! May I learn and desire to spend as much time as possible with my heavenly Father.
What is life without Grandchildren?
We do so enjoy our grandchildren. What a blessing they are! Most of our pictures revolve around them and we are thankful for them.
Our Oldest three grandchildren playing a trio on the piano
Till The Storm Passes By
Seems to be a weather pattern these days. Every afternoon the storm clouds gather and we get thunderstorms and maybe some rain. Below is the sky across the street from our house. It gets like this nearly every day. This summer it has stayed hot and humid! Typical for North Carolina in July. I am often reminded of the song “Til the Storm Passes By”
In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face,
While the storm howls above me, and there’s no hiding place.
‘Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
Chorus: Till the storm passes over,
till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
Many times Satan whispered, “There is no need to try,
For there’s no end of sorrow, there’s no hope by and by”
But I know Thou art with me, and tomorrow I’ll rise
Where the storms never darken the skies.
Chorus: Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
When the long night has ended and the storms come no more,
Let me stand in Thy presence on the bright peaceful shore;
In that land where the tempest, never comes, Lord, may I
Dwell with Thee when the storm passes by.
Chorus: Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
~Mosie Lister
In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face,
While the storm howls above me, and there’s no hiding place.
‘Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
Chorus: Till the storm passes over,
till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
Many times Satan whispered, “There is no need to try,
For there’s no end of sorrow, there’s no hope by and by”
But I know Thou art with me, and tomorrow I’ll rise
Where the storms never darken the skies.
Chorus: Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
When the long night has ended and the storms come no more,
Let me stand in Thy presence on the bright peaceful shore;
In that land where the tempest, never comes, Lord, may I
Dwell with Thee when the storm passes by.
Chorus: Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
~Mosie Lister
Fresh Veggies and Blueberry Ice Cream
We have also been blessed to get lots of veggies from our garden. We have had more than enough which allows us to share them with family and friends as well as make squash casseroles for the freezer, freeze fresh corn, drink fresh tomato juice which I like to make in my vita mix. I just peel a couple of tomatoes, throw them in with some ice and salt, whirl away and mmm mmm, oh so good! Oh, I love my vita mix. It is one of the best things that we every bought. I loaned it to my son and daughter- in- law the other day. Throughout the day and went to use it three times because I forgot it was gone. I really do depend on that thing. Think I’ll make some blueberry ice cream tomorrow.
And today, well we had fresh cucumber sitting around and I had given some away and I knew I could not eat all of them so I made a cucumber ranch dressing. It is quite yummy. It is a very simple recipe found HERE.
And today, well we had fresh cucumber sitting around and I had given some away and I knew I could not eat all of them so I made a cucumber ranch dressing. It is quite yummy. It is a very simple recipe found HERE.
Thanks for dropping by. I hope you will let me
know that you are visiting.
know that you are visiting.