More Kindle Books for Mom

Kindle books are something that I love.  I can have my books with me anywhere I go.  If you or someone you love does not have a Kindle, you might want to consider getting one.  

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Mother’s Day is right around the corner so don’t forget that mom in your life that you want to honor. Some new Kindle books or just any book  would make a great gift for her.  You can read this post which lists 11 Kindle books that Mom would love and below are several more that might be a blessing to her.

Kindle Books for Mom

More Kindle Books for Mom

  • A Place of Quiet Rest: by Nancy Leigh DeMoss – Finding Intimacy with God Through a Daily Devotional Life
  • C. T. Studd: Cricketer & Pioneer:  A Missionary Biography
  • John G. Paton, Missionary to the New Hebrides: An Autobiography
  • The Greater Inheritance by Mary Schrock:  Autobiography: Mary and her husband were born and raised in the Amish lifestyle and traditions in which they lived for 26 years. After living in fear of eternity, and experiencing many broken family ties and friendships, she now tells others how to find a lasting peace, joy and freedom in the Lord. With a compassion for her people, Mary shares the true story of her family’s traumatic journey to the Truth.  
  • The Autobiography of Herbert E. Grings: His Testimony and Missionary Service in the Belgian Congo by Herbert Ernest Grings:  One of my favorite!  The apostle Paul testified that it is not the wise, the mighty, or the noble but rather the foolish and weak who are chosen to manifest the glory of God in the midst of a dark and dying world.  Herbert Grings humbly followed his Savior wherever he was called, and he sought to bring God alone the glory through his life and sacrificial service. Despite shipwreck, the death of his wife, and many other trials in the jungles of the Belgian Congo, Herbert faithfully proclaimed the gospel of Christ leaving behind a Christ-like example for future generations.

Looking for other gift ideas besides Kindle books?  Check these out 50 Plus Ideas and Special Gifts for Special Moms,

The greatest gift of all for Moms, Grandmas, or anyone is FOUND HERE!

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