Can You Name The Christmas Carol? Free Printable Christmas Game

Name the Christmas Carols – Printable Game

Name the Christmas Carols is a game similar to Name that Tune.  The only difference is that all Christmas Carols are used.  It’s a fun game and a whole group can be included.  You could play at at a ladies meeting,  a  youth fellowship,  a family Christmas get together or anywhere. Get your free printable below. 
Can You Name The Christmas Carol?  Free Printable Christmas Game


This game includes a list of the excerpts from Christmas Carols that we used in a ladies Christmas get together.  If you’d like a free printable of the game for your own use, you can use the sign up form below and I will send it to you in PDF form. It will include a list of words that define the Christmas Carol and the answer sheet. At the bottom of this post is a sign up form. Enjoy.
Once  you have played the Christmas Carol Game, why don’t you divide into groups and  have each group sing THESE words to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas?  It is included in the printable.

The Twelve Days of Christmas Praise.

I hope all your Christmases are a time of reflecting upon our Savior and why He came to earth.  For without Him we would have no Christmas at all!


I did pretty well. “King of angels” had me stumped.


    Well, I am glad you did well. Thanks for playing. To be honest I did not know this would get sent to my followers feed because I was just updating some old posts. LOL Well, now I know so thank you for helping me out.

    Christmas Games For Kids

    This was just what I was on the look for. I will come back to this blog for sure!


      Glad you are able to use it. Have fun and thanks for coming by.


I tried to copy the game “Name the Christmas Carol” and the link was no longer available


    Hi Sandie, I updated the page and I think it will work now. If you have any more problems, please let me know. Thanks for coming by.


      I’m unable to print off the Christmas Carol’s game and answer key.


        If you entered your info you should have received a link with the info on how to get it. Let me know if there’s still a problem or if you didn’t receive the link for some reason. I’ll resend it. Thanks for coming by.


          I have not been able to print either.


          Did you fill in your information? If so a page loads automatically with instructions to get your printable.


Thanks for this game! It will be fun


    You are very welcome! We’ve always enjoyed playing this.


Thank you for posting the Christmas games. I am the leader of a small women’s ministry group. We meet once a month and have the best time for our Christmas gathering. I am always looking for new ideals and activities for Christmas.


    So glad you are able to use this. Christmas meetings are always the best. Have fun.


Can I get the Christmas carol game please?


    I’ve been having some technical difficulty with this post. I am so sorry. I’ve added a note at the top of the post so that anyone interested can get the link this way. I will be emailing you a link directly though so look for it in your inbox and thanks again for coming by.

talia nessa

ok, so I had fine downloading this game but were is the answer sheet


    You will find the answer sheet on page 3 of the pdf that you downloaded. Have fun!


I got an introduction e-mail, but no e-mail on how to get the printable. After filling in my name and e-mail it brought me to a password page. I never received a password.


    I’m just curious. Can you read the whole page you received? I want to make sure you got the right one. I’ve only had a very few saying they didn’t get it. The password was included on the thank you page.


Cute! I’m pretty good because I went carrolling as a high schooler. Interested to know how my husband will do!


    Hope you had fun. How did you husband do?


How WONDERFUL to see something that has to do with the REAL meaning of Christmas! THANK YOU!


    You are so very welcome! Hope you enjoy it!

Susan Miller

Can you send me the name the Christmas Carol game? Thank you!!


    This is a subscriber game. To get it, please fill out the form on this post and it will take you to a page to click the picture for your game. Thanks so much.

Pamela McTaggart

How can I get the answers to the game ” Can You Name The Christmas Carol?”


    Hi Pamela,
    When you sign up, your pdf should open and the answers are on a separate page in the pdf. Hope this helps.


Hello,! Would love to have the Name the Christmas carols printable. We will be having a much scaled down Christmas party at Church and this would be perfect.


    Hi Debbie,
    When you sign up (you can unsubscribe at any time), your pdf should open for you. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know if there is a problem.


In the place of our normal Christmas Eve candlelight service this year, we are doing activities for families that are Bible themed. This would be the perfect ending to my packets for the older kids in our Church. Thanks! Linda


    You are so welcome! I pray your activities go well.

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