Name the Christmas Carols is a game similar to Name that Tune. The only difference is that all Christmas Carols are used. It’s a fun game and a whole group can be included. You could play at at a ladies meeting, a youth fellowship, a family Christmas get together or anywhere. Get your free printable below.
This game includes a list of the excerpts from Christmas Carols that we used in a ladies Christmas get together. If you’d like a free printable of the game for your own use, you can use the sign up form below and I will send it to you in PDF form. It will include a list of words that define the Christmas Carol and the answer sheet. At the bottom of this post is a sign up form. Enjoy.
Once you have played the Christmas Carol Game, why don’t you divide into groups and have each group sing THESE words to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas? It is included in the printable.
The Twelve Days of Christmas Praise.
I hope all your Christmases are a time of reflecting upon our Savior and why He came to earth. For without Him we would have no Christmas at all!