New Hobby for 2016-Really? I Never Would Have Guessed!
My new hobby for this year is ….. Can you guess? This new hobby is certainly not one that I would have chosen. But sometimes the Lord has a way of choosing things for you. 🙂
What is your hobby? Do you have a new hobby for the year? I would love to hear how you chose your new hobby. Sometimes life is really interesting, isn’t it?

What would cause a new hobby to come into your life?
- It is brought about by uncontrolled circumstances.
- You are bored and need a new routine.
- You are actually working on your dreams. You are hoping to actually do something different with your life
- You need to come out of your comfort zone. – Maybe this is a way to push you out of a sheltered life to interact more with others.
- You need a new way to bring in some income
- Family issues may cause you to do something that is not your usual.
- It is a way to interact more with your grandchildren.
- Or maybe all of the above?
Well, in this case, it happened to be a family issue somewhat. One of my children has a chronic illness; she actually wrote a book about it: Farewell, Fatigue: How I Overcame Chronic Fatigue the Natural Way . Needless to say, with 4 children, 1 on the way, a husband, homeschooling, housekeeping, etc. to do, often things become overwhelming. To lighten her load a little bit I really wanted to help her.
I’ve been to her house a few times to help with cleaning and laundry or other household chores, but it was just too much to leave my duties here at home (yes, I do have a home and husband too, along with 18 grandchildren! Whew! I love “em all so much and 14 of them live close by so I am often doing babysitting).
So the Lord laid it on my heart to help out by doing some cooking for her. I really only expected it to be for a while, but lately it has turned into about 5 times a week.
So now you know my new hobby.

Cooking! Me? Cooking? Really? It is one of my least favorite things to do, yet each day I am finding I can enjoy it as I
- search new recipes (has to be healthy and gluten free – that in itself is a challenge)
- try new things
- learn to make a menu
- figure out which ones are favorites and which ones I need to take off the list
- and actually make meals for hubby and myself.
- learn to manage my time more wisely
God gives grace
God is helping me day by day as I do this. How? Here are some ways:
- The one who is chronically ill tells me that she is less stressed.
- I am learning that I can actually enjoy cooking.
- You can teach an old dog new tricks 🙂
- I can walk In place or listen to God’s Word or Godly music at the same time I am cooking.
- My husband seems to like it: I was kind of concerned about this at first because our grocery bill has gone up a little. Now don’t get me wrong – I am not expected to buy all the groceries for us and for another family of 6 – numerous groceries have been given to me along with lots of healthy grass fed meat. But still I am buying differently than I was before and I also try to stay on the THM plan for eating. But back to my husband – I think he is actually enjoying getting a decent meal more often, for you see I rarely cooked, but we would just wing it. 🙂
- And since my husband is on board he is encouraging me to try new kitchen gadgets and tools to help lighten the load. Now this I like. You can see what some of those gadgets are HERE .