No Man Cared For My Soul, But Jesus Does!

I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.  (Psalm 142:4) If No Man Cares for your soul, then who does?


Luke 14:23  And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Some things are hard to do!  But some hard things you have to do especially when the Lord tells you to do them.   We did a particularly hard thing when we left a church that we dearly loved because the Lord told us it was time to move on.  One of our sons started an inner city work in our town which was badly needed.  He has always had a heart for the inner city people, the down and out, the homeless, the ones who feel like no man cares for their soul and he wanted a place where they could come and be ministered to, a place where others knew that there was healing, there was someone who cared.
 Psalms 142:4 I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.
There are many hurting people out there and they desperately need the gospel.  It is amazing to know the conditions that some of these people live in. Physical items are needed, but that should not be the main focus; don’t promote a social gospel. It is true that we should be concerned about the physical needs and do all that’s possible to help, but the main focus ought to be spiritual needs.  
Show the world who Jesus is so that they really know the decision they are making when they do decide to repent and turn from their sin to Jesus Christ, the only one who can save them.  They desperately need to know the love of Christ and to know that someone really cares for their souls.  

I’m thankful that the Lord tells us to do hard things sometimes even though it may not be pleasant at first.  The next hard thing is called a “Tomorrow Club”  These clubs reach many for the Lord Jesus Christ, but right now there is not any in the U.S.  Preparations are being made to start one.  There are funds there to help get a building rented to get started, but first we have to find the building.  God knows and we are looking, praying, watching, and waiting.  His timing is perfect and He cares more than anyone for the lost souls.

Let’s tell them Jesus cares!

And friend, Jesus cares for you too! 

No man cared for my soul – but Jesus cared for mine and He cares for yours, and He cares for the seemingly forgotten people of the inner city.