November 2014 Thankful Album Day 17
Are you longing for something and you’re not sure what it is? Is there an empty feeling inside. There is a friend who can satisfy any longing you have and fill up your hungry spirit. That friend is Jesus; He alone satisfies. Do you know Him? You may receive assistance and friendship from others, but that will never fully satisfy. Jesus can satisfy your soul in so many ways.
Have you a heart that’s weary
Tending a load of care
Are you a soul that’s seeking rest
From the burden you bear?
Tending a load of care
Are you a soul that’s seeking rest
From the burden you bear?
Do you know my Jesus
Do you know my friend
Have you heard he loves you
And that he will abide till the end?
Who knows your disappointments
Who hears each time you cry
Who understands your heartaches
Who drys the tears from your eyes.
Do you know my Jesus
Do you know my friend
Have you heard he loves you
And that he will abide till the end?
Have you heard he loves you
And that he will abide till the end?…