November 2014 Thankful Album Day 24

The newness of Life in Christ – what a blessing! 

  1. Once I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I became a new creature – old things are passed away BEHOLD all things are become new! (2Cor. 5:17)  As a new creature I can put on the new man daily.
  2. Now He has put a new song in my mouth? (Ps. 40:3)  According to this Psalm, many will see you have a new song and will in turn put their trust in the Lord.  What a great witnessing tool!
  3. Yet, another amazing truth is that fact the God’s mercies are new every morning. (La 3:23)  Yes, every day I can count on God’s mercy for me; It’s a new day with new mercies from Him; otherwise I would be consumed in a moment.
  4. Oh the hope I have in this newness because now I can look forward to a new eternal home, a home without sin, eternal and in the heavens with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and my loved ones who have gone on before me. (Rev. 21)