One Door and Only One
There is only One Door to Heaven – Jesus is that door; He is the only door to heaven. There is no other way.
One door, and only one,
And yet its sides are two:
“inside’ and “Outside.”
On which side are you?
One door, and only one,
And yet its sides are two:
I’m on the inside,
On which side are you?
One Lord and only one,
And yet the ways are two,
Right way and wrong way,
On which way are you?One Lord and only one,
And yet the ways are two,
I’m on the right way,
On which way are you?
-Elsie Leslie
And yet the ways are two,
Right way and wrong way,
On which way are you?One Lord and only one,
And yet the ways are two,
I’m on the right way,
On which way are you?
-Elsie Leslie
He may be pleading with you right now to come through that door.
That door is Jesus. He said: I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved…Have you entered that door so you can be assured of entering heaven?
He will not force you to open it, but He is glad to come in if you will come in.
You can read about that door, Jesus, in the Bible, God’s Word. Trust His Word for it has the power to save you.
One book and only one,
The book the Father gave,
Good book and true book,
With all power to save,
One book and only one,
And I believe it’s true,
God’s Book, the Bible,
Will you trust it too?
The book the Father gave,
Good book and true book,
With all power to save,
One book and only one,
And I believe it’s true,
God’s Book, the Bible,
Will you trust it too?