Grandparents, Share Your Personal Salvation Testimony as a Story and Make Wonderful Memories For Your Grandchildren
Hearing personal testimonies of how others got saved is always a delight to me! Don’t you just love to hear their stories? Each one is unique and such a wonderful blessing from God. One time I collected all the testimonies from the ladies at church and put them into a booklet form so we could all read and be blessed. Hearing someone’s personal testimony (here’s a great testimony to read!) of how they got saved is one of my favorite things.
Writing your own personal testimony is a great way to share with those you love and others so they can hear the gospel. It makes a wonderful way to make memories. I want to share my own salvation story with my family and grandkids most of all. What a wonderful way to help instill the gospel into their heart. And oh how I would love to have the testimonies of my own parents and grandparents!
So WRITE IT DOWN and SHARE IT! Don’t think that yours is not as special as the next person. Any testimony of the saving grace of God is special, unique, and a miracle beyond our understanding.
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This is a personal testimony of how a Little Girl Came to Know Jesus
Once upon a time – a long time ago – there was a little girl.
She had 5 sisters and one brother and a loving mommy and daddy.
Her mommy and daddy moved from MA to NY so her daddy could go to Bible College. Her mommy and daddy were young Christians, loved the Lord, wanted to do God’s will and were growing in the LORD. We ought to grow in the LORD – As Christians we should all desire to grow in the Lord every day. How can we do that? Can you give a verse?
1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
2 Peter 3:18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
Read your Bible pray every day and you’ll grow, grow, grow
There is a song that talks about growing in the Lord. Do you know it? Here are the words. It goes to the tune of “I will make you Fishers of Men”
1. Read your Bible, pray every day, pray every day, pray every day.
Read your Bible, pray every day and you’ll grow, grow, grow.
2. Neglect your Bible, forget to pray, forget to pray, forget to pray.
Neglect your Bible, forget to pray and you’ll shrink, shrink, shrink.
This little girl was very blessed to have a mommy and daddy who loved her and taught her about Jesus. She heard about Jesus from the time she was born.
As she got older she began paying attention to the gospel message and the importance of knowing Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. However, it didn’t all quite make sense to her just yet. She knew she did “bad” things, she knew she was a sinner, but still in her heart she would think that everything would be OK if she did enough good things. And because her Mommy and Daddy were good and loved God and they were going to heaven, then God would overlook the bad things and her good things would outweigh the bad and one day God would let her into heaven. Watch this video!
Is that true? NO! Here’s a verse that tells us what is true!
Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us…
Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast
This little girl would often talk to her best friend about God and heaven.
One of her best friends went to a different kind of church.
Her church believes you have to do a lot of good works to get into heaven and her church also believes that you have to be a member of their church in order to get into heaven and they also believe that you have to be baptized into their Church to get into heaven.
Both girls thought they were pretty good and both girls thought their “religion” was the best.
However, the best friend was so worried about this little girl that she said if she were about to die, she would baptize her into her church so that she could be sure to go to heaven.
Then both girls would be off and they would both decide that as long as they did enough “good” things, God would one day take them to heaven.
Now, can any church take you to heaven? NO!
What is the only way to heaven?
Can you give a verse?
John 14:5-6 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Yes, the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ.
Do you know the song, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life? Here are the words:
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
that’s what Jesus said
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
that’s what Jesus said
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
that’s what Jesus said
Without the way, there is no going,
Without the truth there is no knowing,
Without the life, there is no living,
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
that’s what Jesus said.
If you would like to sing the song, you can find the melody and words at the end of this testimony.
- Without Jesus as the way, there is no going to heaven.
- Without Jesus as the truth, we cannot know about Him or how to get to heaven
- Without Jesus as the life, we can never have life eternal, but we will die in our sins.
Well, time went on a little longer and this little girl was now eight years old. She was getting ready to go to camp. Have you ever been to camp? (this was actually one of the camps I went to as a young girl) It was a lot of fun and there are many good camps out there today that would be good choices for young people. Here’s one.
Am I a Christian?
And Praise the Lord that her mommy and daddy sent her to a Christian camp, where not only would she have fun, but she would learn about the Lord Jesus every day. As she was getting ready to leave her house and go to camp, for some reason she asked her mommy if she was a Christian, and was she going to go to heaven some day.
She just knew her mommy would say yes, because after all her mommy and daddy were both Christians and she was a “good” little girl.
But, guess what? Her mommy was very wise and wanted her little girl to know the truth. She told her, you have to know for yourself if you are saved.
You cannot be saved just because your mommy and daddy are saved. You have to trust Jesus as your own Savior. Did you hear the key word? Your OWN Savior. He may be your mommy and daddy’s Savior, but He is not yours until you have asked Him to be. Well, this was a lot for this little girl to think about. So off to camp she went.
God was preparing this little girl’s heart to accept the gospel. She heard it every day in the chapel service at camp. And she had a very caring camp counselor.
One day the counselor was having devotions with all the girls in her cabin. All the girls were sitting on the bunk beds and the counselor was telling them about the Bible and about Jesus. Then she decided to ask how many of the girls were saved.
Not wanting to be different, the little girl raised her hand along with several others, but guess what? It didn’t end there!
The counselor began asking each girl when they got saved and how they got saved. The little girl began to get scared.
What was she going to say when it was her turn?
Would she say, I have been good?
Would she say, my mommy and daddy are Christians?
Would she say I go to church every week?
For some reason, she just knew that none of these answers would be right. So when it was her turn, she said, I don’t know.
The counselor said, “Would you like to know?” and the little girl, said YES!
The counselor took the little girl off by herself and showed her a very special verse in the Bible – one that most of you probably know.
It is John 3:16.
Can you say it with me?
John 3:16
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life.
The Light comes on
Oh, the little girl had heard that verse many times and even had it memorized (here’s a good way to hide God’s Word in your Heart) like many of you do, but this is the first time, she really knew what it meant.
This is the first time she saw herself as a sinner who could not get to heaven by being “good”.
She knew right then and there that she must accept Jesus Christ as her OWN Savior, that she must believe in Him, not just about Him, just like her mother had told her before she left for camp.
She bowed her head right there on the bunk bed with the counselor and asked Jesus to be her Savior. Oh what peace!
Now she knew – Jesus was her OWN Savior. God sent Jesus because He loved her. He gave His son for her and now that she had believed in Him, she would never die, but have life everlasting. And this little girl is . . .
Never “Unsaved”
Yes, there have been many times, that I have not lived like I should and I have had to ask God to forgive me, but God has never “unsaved” me. He has kept me all these years and when the day comes for me to die, this earthly body will die, but I will live forever with the Lord.
How about you? I hope you will make sure that you are saved and that Jesus is your OWN Savior. If John 3:16 is just something you memorized and is not real to you, it can become real today.
NOTE: This post goes well with the series on Instilling the Gospel Into My Grandkids. You can begin the series here.
Here is the tune to this little song. I learned it as a child when I went to camp. Now I have had the privilege to teach it to my children and grandchildren and other children to whom I’ve had the privilege of teaching.
I have made this true story of my salvation/personal testimony in PDF form so that I can share it with my grandchildren. This would be a great project for all grandparents and a way to make memories with your grandchildren.
Do your grandchildren know how you got saved? What a wonderful way to share Jesus with them and to let them hear your own personal testimony of how you came to know Jesus.
If you are interested in the PDF file please contact me and I’ll send it to you. And how about signing up below for a free devotional Ebook and for more Biblical Encouragement.