Praising the Lord!
We usually think of November as a month of praise and Thanksgiving. We ought to give praise and thanks continually, every day of our lives. This month, I’ve been adding daily to my praises. Here is my list so far:
- Praise the Lord He reigns over the heathen and that He is a God of holiness. (Ps. 47:7)
- Praise the Lord I can call on Him at any time; I can come boldly to the throne of grace to find help in time of need. THE KING cares for me! And I can call THE KING Abba Father!
- I was thinking about dad on Nov. 3rd which would have been his 109th birthday. Praise the Lord that time is no more for him. He is for ever with his Savior who He loved so much. We do no sorrow as others for we have the hope of seeing our loved ones again one glad day!
- Praise the Lord He is a gentle Shepherd. He feeds us through His Word. He gathers us together as the sheep of His pasture. His care over us is never harsh, but gentle and kind. He carries us through this woeful journey until we reach our perfect home in heaven with Him. My security is with Him. “More secure is no one ever than the loved ones of the Savior”
- Praise the Lord, He meets all my needs. I am fully satisfied in Him. At His right hand there are pleasures for evermore. (Ps. 16:11) “The deepest need of your heart will be met only in Jesus” -A. Rogers
- The Lord is my helper. Praise God I can lift up my eyes unto the Hills, to the One who made those hills and all creation. He is my helper and never sleeps. He preserves my soul. (Psalm 121)
- God’s love is unconditional. Praise God, He loves me unconditionally. Oh that I may know His love which passes knowledge and be filled with all the fulness of God. (Eph. 3:19
- Praise the Lord, He is the God of peace, The good and gentle Shepherd who gave His life for me, and He’s carrying me to the gates of heaven as He makes me perfect in every good work to do is will. (Jn. 10:11, Heb. 13:20) This made me think of the song “Shepherd of Love”.
- Praise the Lord that he is the Creator of all things. Therefore, all things belong to Him for His purposes. To think that The Creator of all loves me is more than I can comprehend! (Col. 1:16)
- Praise the Lord that He is The Restorer of my soul. Ps. 23:3 When my soul is sorrowful, He revives it, when it is sinful, He sanctifies it, when it is weak, He strengthens it.
- Praise the Lord that He remembers my sins no more! Hebrews 8:12
- Praise the Lord for the inspired Word of God which is alive and sharper than a twe edged sword and pierces my heart and convicts and shows me the way.
- We will bless the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. Praise the Lord. Psalm 115:18
- Praise the Lord, He never leaves us destitute.
- Praise the Lord, because of His grace, it gives me purpose of heart. Acts 11:23
- Death is just a shadow when we’re walking in The Light. Psalm 23:4
- My cup runs over! I have the cup of Salvation (Ps.116:1) and the cup of blessing (1 Cor. 10:16)
- My hope is in the Lord!
- God alone is worthy! All glory and honor and power belong to Him!
- I’m going to Heaven where there will be presence of all that is good and absence of all that is evil, a place where there are pleasures forevermore! Hallelujah!
- Praise the Lord He can fill me with all the fullness of God! That is an awesome thought! There is nothing too hard for Him.
- Praise the Lord, He abundantly pardons. (Is. 55:7; Jn. 10:12); 1 Cor. 2:9)
- When we trust, He gives us rest. (Hebrews 3:7-19)
- It is a privilege to be born and live in the USA. But, praise the Lord, I am only a pilgrim and a stranger here on earth. This world is not my home. (Hebrews 11:13-14)
- God calls us into the joys and reality of eternal life. We have in store all the resources of Heaven.
- I’m adopted! Hallelujah! I’m a child of the King. I can cry out to Him Abba Father. (Romans 8:15)
- He fulfills the desires of those that fear Him, and call upon Him in Truth. Psalm 145:18-19) He hears me when I call.
- Praise the Lord, my God is a Holy God! (Psalm 30:4)
- Every day I have the presence of God. He has promised never to leave me. I am secure in Him. (Exodus 33:14)
- Obeying His commandments is not a grievous thing. (1 John 5:3) He promises great reward and liberty in keeping them. They give understanding, they are better than gold, they are way of pleasantness, they give rest, they are holy and just and good, they bring delight to our inward souls. When I keep them it is a witness that I am a child of God!
- When Stephen was being stoned he was full of the holy Ghost. As I walk this earth, no matter my circumstances, I can be full of the Holy Ghost. By His power I can walk in the Spirit
- Nothing can ever separate me from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39)
- Even in old age we will fourish and still bring forth fruit. I can show His uprightness and that He is my Rock. (Psalm 92:13-15)
- When I am overwhelmed with thoughts and many things going on in life, The Lord holds me up and comforts and delights my soul. (Psalm 9a4:18-19)
- There is never a reason to be anxious for I have a God that I can bring my requests to with thanksgiving. As I do there’s a peace in my heart that passes all understanding. (Romans 8:28-29, Phil. 4:6-7)
- Why would the Lord think upon me? But He does! His thoughts of me are continuous and He knows that I am poor and needy. (Psalm 40:17)
- One day I shall be like Him for I will shall see Him as He is! (1John 3:2)
- As we deal with “stuff and clutter” and work on decluttering our home before we die, (What a chore!) I am thankful that I don’t have to take any of it with me when I go to heaven. It is such a blessing knowing that we brought nothing into this world and will certainly carry nothing out. (1 Timonthy 6:7)
The more I meditate on the Word of God, the more I find it impossible not to praise Him. The anticipation of one day seeing Him face to face and becoming like Him fills me with wonder and joy.