16 Prayer Prompts for Monday
Do you have daily prayer routine? My daily prayer routine is always something I can improve on. Andrew Murray said that “a full measure of the Word and prayer each day gives a healthy and powerful life.”
For myself, I have written down some prompts for each day of the week to help gear my mind in the right direction as I pray. Below you will find 16 prompts for Monday. This is often my daily routine, to refer to these prompts and let the Holy Spirit guide me in praying. It has helped a lot.
A regular prayer life would certainly lend to a much better day also. And there are so many things and people we need to pray for regularly – like our husbands, children, grandchildren. But one can not really have a good day unless they have first received the gift of eternal life.

Monday Prayer Prompts
- Mighty/Magnificent
- Ask for a mighty day, a magnificent day from God as He directs your steps
- Most
- Ask that the Lord will help you make the most out of your day so time and energy is not wasted and priorities are set right
- Mate
- Pray for your mate – Pray for wisdom, guidance, protection, that He would walk in the Spirit
- Men
- Pray for all the men in your life – your husband, father, grandfather, sons, grandsons,
- Missionaries
- They need our prayers more than we know. Pray specifically for them today, by name and by specific requests.
- Money
- Pray for wisdom in handling your money and for a cheerful giving heart – I used to give out of necessity, out of duty, but God has since changed my heart and I can honestly say that I now enjoy giving. God loves a cheerful giver.
- Management
- Ask God to help you manage your time, your priorities correctly.
- Mercy
- God is merciful – Pray for his mercy on yourself, your family, your friends, your country
- Mishaps
- Pray that the Lord will keep you and yours from any mishaps today.
- Music
- Pray that the Lord will fill your heart with songs in the night, with His new song and then sing with grace in your heart to the Lord
- Moms
- Oh, how moms need our prayers – Pray for yourself as a mom, your daughters if they are moms, and other moms out there who need daily strength, wisdom, direction, and just every day help in dealing with children, in keeping their houses, health issues, and all their responsibilities
- Miracles
- Do you believe in miracles? I serve a God who is just the same today as He was yesterday. He can do miracles for You! I have seen Him do miracles in my own life and in other life situations.
- Mentor
- Pray for God to give you someone to mentor spiritually and pray for God to allow you to be mentored spiritually. Remember our mentorship ought always to be according to the Word of God.
- Mind
- Pray that your mind will be filled with thoughts of the Lord Jesus to day, that your meditation will be acceptable in His sight
- Mission
- Pray that God will give you the proper mission for today and that He will help you to accomplish that mission
- Mouth
- Pray that God will be with your mouth, that it will be opened with wisdom and kindness, that it will give continual praise to the Lord, and that any words that come out of it will be acceptable in His sight.
- Molded
- Ask the Lord to mold you, your children, your grandchildren more into His image day by day as you spend time with Him. (Isa. 64:8)
I have gathered prayer prompts for each day of the week. You can find them here:
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